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Alcohol gave the police a lot of work

During the night from Saturday to Sunday, the police were called forty times for disturbances of public order. On several occasions, she traveled for arguments and fights. In the majority of cases, alcohol was the source of the tension.

Many motorists also drank a little too much and were fined or their license withdrawn. During alcohol tests, organized in Luxembourg, rue de Beggen, route d’Esch and boulevard du Général George S. Patton, 209 drivers had to breathe into the breathalyzer: in 13 cases, the test was positive and four permits were withdrawn.

He provoked the customers of a restaurant

At around 8 p.m., in Frisange, the police were informed that road signs had been damaged and that the author of the damage had fled. Officials located the driver: his car and a tire were damaged. The man was visibly drunk and the blood alcohol test confirmed this. His driver’s license was withdrawn.

A little later, around 11:20 p.m., in Mersch, the police intercepted a drunken man who was provoking the customers of a restaurant and attacking urban equipment. He was arrested as he was about to get into his car: officials confiscated his license after testing positive.

Same sanction for a French motor vehicle manufacturer in the district of the station of the capital around 5:30 am. After an illegal violation, he was checked and his blood alcohol test came back positive.

(The essential)

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