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Alcohol and pregnancy: preventing facial anomalies at birth – AGP

Libreville, September 9, 2023 (AGP) – The international community commemorated, this Saturday, September 9, World Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Day. Opportunity for the editorial staff of the Gabonese Press Agency (AGP) to zoom in on this disease whose sole cause is alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a condition that affects the brain and nervous system following the mother’s consumption of alcohol during pregnancy.

Once alcohol is ingested by the mother, it will cross the placenta and damage the brain and central nervous system of the fetus, since the latter are very sensitive to development and likely to suffer permanent damage. So, what are the characteristic symptoms of this disease in children?

« The child exposed to alcohol during his development in his mother’s womb presents facial anomalies at birth characterized by a flattened face, a space between the nose and the chin that is smoother and slightly rounded, a lower lip very thin, very arched eyebrows, stunted growth “, declared Dr. in pharmacy, addictologist, Alphonse Louma Eyougha, adding: “ It may also happen that the child presents sensory disorders, such as vision and hearing problems.»

When the observation is established, Dr Alphonse Louma Eyougha advises parents to go to a pediatrician for advice and better care. And to avoid reaching this stage, the one and only possible prevention according to the addictologist doctor is not to drink alcohol at all during the pregnancy.

In Gabon, this disease whose consequences are described is not taken seriously by future mothers who explain to deplore it that the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy allows, according to them, the child to be strong. Also, they justify the fact that it increases the flow of milk into the breasts.

Behaviors to ban, to proscribe. Because the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy, whatever the quantity, frequency or type of alcohol, particularly beer, cider or even champagne, is strongly discouraged. Alcohol consumption is harmful throughout pregnancy, and even during breastfeeding. For mothers addicted to alcohol, seek help from specialized structures for the good health of your baby. In Gabon, there is a clinic to treat alcohol addiction problems and many others.

International Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day, established in 1999, is the place to inform and warn about the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy and to curb this public health problem which affects more and more children even if to date, there are no real figures to quantify the people affected by this syndrome.


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