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Alcohol and exercise: How alcohol and hangovers affect your training

Alcohol after exercise impairs the body’s regeneration.

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publishedJul 30, 2022 at 4:38 am

Expert provides information“Alcohol after exercise is not a good idea”

Do you like to treat yourself to a few drinks after a workout? We reveal how alcohol affects your workout results.

A Prosecco for brunch after yoga, a couple of beers after jogging – or a heavy party before the soccer match: What influence does alcohol really have on our physical condition and regeneration?

An expert explains how it works Drink before and after exercise affects.

dr sc. nat. Vanessa Craig studied molecular biology and genetics at the University of Sydney and received her PhD in molecular oncology from the University of Zurich. She is the founder of the brand in formatwhich sells collagen preparations, and offers nutritional analysis on the medical campus River in Zurich.


Exercising with a hangover

Going to the gym on Saturday to recover from Friday’s drunk? Many hope to “train away” the hangover with sweating and exercise in the hope of breaking down the residual alcohol in the body more quickly. The problem: Exercising does not break down alcohol faster. And the hangover also thwarts the positive effect on training: the body is busy detoxifying. dr Vanessa Craig says: “If you exercise with a hangover, you should take it easy and take it easy and drink enough fluids. The lack of sleep combined with the dehydration from a hangover already puts a lot of strain on the body and puts you at a higher risk of injury.”

Alcohol just before exercise

If you treat yourself to a beer with your training colleagues before you start exercising, you are definitely doing yourself a disservice. The body becomes sluggish and slower due to the alcohol in the blood. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the alcohol dilates the blood vessels. As a result, the body cools down faster and loses energy. On the other hand, we lose it through the blood alcohol level Ability to coordinate and react – this increases the risk of sports injuries. According to Dr. Vanessa Craig also increases alcohol consumption in the body from 24 hours before training. This increases the risk of muscle cramps. “Alcohol in the blood also masks pain, which can make sports injuries worse,” says Craig.

Toast to the upcoming match?  D rather not.

Toast to the upcoming match? D rather not.

Pexels / Karolina Grabowska

alcohol after exercise

Anyone who goes straight to the pub after training or simply drinks a bottle of Prosecco with friends in the park risks the following regeneration disorders:

  1. Metabolic processes that are necessary for muscle building are slowed down. That muscle tissue cannot regenerate as well.

  2. Alcohol draws water out of the body. As a result, the muscles are less well supplied with nutrients and minerals. Important salts are also excreted in the urine. That’s how easy it is dehydration, which increases the risk of convulsions.

  3. The stress hormone cortisol is increasingly released in the body after alcohol consumption, which can lead to inflammation of already stressed muscles.

Even small amounts of alcohol are enough for these effects. “Especially if you want to build muscle in a targeted manner, you should avoid alcohol completely,” says Dr. Vanessa Craig.

Especially if you want to build muscle, you should treat yourself to something other than wine as a reward after exercising.

Especially if you want to build muscle, you should treat yourself to something other than wine as a reward after exercising.

Pexels / cottonbro

If you still don’t want to do without alcohol after exercising, according to Dr. Make sure Craig has had enough water beforehand.

The ideal drink after sport

Beer is often touted as a drink that is high in minerals and good for refueling carbohydrate stores. However, the alcohol in beer leads to a delayed replenishment of the body’s stores. So it’s better to have a non-alcoholic beer after exercising. Don’t like beer? Then these will help you Drinks to regenerate you after exercise.

What do you like to toast to after training?

What do you like to toast to after training?

Pexels / Cottonbro

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