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Alcohol and antibiotics a harmful mix for health

One of the most common recommendations of family doctors: “When you take the antibiotic, be careful not to do it with alcohol!”. The combination of alcohol and antibiotics represented a bugbear for our health in the years when there was no 360 ° information. Without the internet, without TV and newspapers, the family tradition tended, even rightly, to exaggerate the situation. Certainly, however, they must never be mixed, according to the medicine and the advice of our Experts.

At least two contraindications

There are at least two main contraindications represented by the simultaneous intake of antibiotics and alcohol:

a) reduction of the effect and effectiveness of the medicine;

2) risk of important and harmful side effects on our body.

To immediately dispel any doubts, the answer is very simple. You will surely know that the liver struggles immensely to dispose of alcohol. The same happens with the antibiotic. Not for nothing, doctors always recommend a targeted and limited use.

The so-called degradation

Alcohol and antibiotics a mix that is harmful to health, especially due to the so-called degradation. Do not be frightened, dear readers, by reading these terms, but it is good that you know exactly how things are. The principle of degradation is nothing more than a natural physiological process that transforms alcohol into acetaldehyde. This substance is toxic for our body which, for this reason and to safeguard health, transforms it into acetic acid. And it is precisely the latter that our metabolism eliminates from the organism. Taking antibiotics and alcohol together blocks this disposal process.

Accumulation in the liver

This is why we talk about alcohol and antibiotics, a mix that is harmful to health, especially for our liver which risks intoxication. In fact, when we block the elimination ofacetic acid, we run the risk of:

a) lowering of pressure;

b) increased heart rate;

c) nausea and vomiting;

d) headache and migraine.

In light of these explanations, remember to never take antibiotics and alcohol for the sake of your health!


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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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