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Alcohol: 3 Things To Do Before Going To Bed When You Have Drunk Too Much

The evening was somewhat alcoholic and you are getting ready to go to bed, but you already dread the hangover of the next day? Here are 3 things to do before sleeping to decrease the damage.

“If you have drunk too much, before going to bed, you must take a pill of aspirin. You will see, tomorrow morning, you will not have a hangover”. Hmm, no, in reality, this hangover solution is an urban legend. And for good reason, to assimilate this cachet, the body will appeal to the liver, which already has plenty of alcohol to eliminate. Finally, you can try, but there is a good chance that you will suffer as excruciatingly the next day as if you had not taken it. No, to avoid a maximum the hangover, here’s what to do right before you go to bed.

To drink a lot of water

The alcohol has the effect of dehydrating the body and it is this dehydration that will cause excruciating migraines the next day. So before going to bed, we recommend drinking lots of water, up to 1 liter if possible, to rehydrate the body and avoid the horrible headache that causes you to bed in bed when you wake up.

Make yourself an omelet

When you have had too much to drink, you tend to want to make a good big burger or kebab on the way home, but in reality, it would be better to make a good omelet, or even a savory broth. To help the body process alcohol more effectively, take vitamins C and B6 as well as mineral salts : tomato or vegetable juice, salted broth, bread, honey, eggs or fresh fruit.

Using plants

Milk thistle is very good for the liver because it contains silymarin, a substance that stimulates the liver and contributes to its regeneration when under toxic stress, such as drinking alcohol. Peppermint, on the other hand, helps reduce headaches, but also nausea, just like ginger and German chamomile. A small herbal tea before bed can not hurt.

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