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Alchemist Simulator is coming to Switch and PlayStation – That’s Gaming in 2023

Indie studio niceplay games and publisher tinyBuild are preparing for a final transmutation on Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator. Recently released on PC and Xbox consoles, this relaxing cult hit is piping hot and gearing up to serve Nintendo Switch and PlayStation consoles in the new year. Check out the launch trailer below for a taste of this invigorating video game concoction.

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In Potion Craft you play the role (and still) of the best alchemist in a busy fantasy city. The townsfolk need mystical concoctions, and you’re there to provide, whether it’s an adventurer who needs something to make dragonfire a little less seedy than flesh, or a villain looking for the best action poisons. quick, you’re ready to deliver . Gather your ingredients, grind, mix and heat, then serve for a healthy profit.
However complex the alchemy is, a shopkeeper must also be a master of the art of charm. Your drinks are only worth as much as you can convince people they are, so master the bargaining system, learn what each customer’s likes and dislikes are, and work your way to fame and profit. Turning lead into gold is tricky enough, but it takes a true master of the silver tongue to thrive.

Potion Craft is available now on PC and Xbox, arriving in early 2023 on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation consoles. An exact release date will be announced after the holiday season, along with more news on major content updates for the game.

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