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Alberto Matano (screenshot TV Raiplay) – Shocking Confession and Celebrity Guests on La Vita in Diretta

Alberto Matano (screenshot TV Raiplay) – belligea.it

The host’s embarrassment seemed truly palpable: an incredible confession, everyone really knows it by now.

It’s been a while since Alberto Five dialogues with his public of Rai afternoon fans thanks to the hosting of a great programme success.

The Vita in Direct it is a program that has something eclectic about it: after a rather long first part in which the news is addressed in all its details, the program often changes tone.

In the second part, some guests, some more regular than others, discuss thanks to the ideas given by Matano or following relevant reports hot topics of the moment or lighter matters, of gossip.

Lately, however, one confession has torn the veil of lightness of the second part of the program: it concerns one persona very in vista.

The revelation during La Vita in Diretta

The program of Alberto Matano never fails to have exceptional guests: from Anna Combs to Matthew Bassetti, the program always reserves some pleasant moments surprise.

This time a very good presenter made her appearance in the La Vita in Diretta studio, and opened herself up to the public in a sincere and blunt way. Let’s talk about Elisa Isoardi.

Elisa Isoardi – belligea.it

Isoardi and Alberti talk about the loves of their lives

The episode to which we are referring had seen two incredible guests intervene: Elisa Isoardi and the journalist Barbara Alberti. Both have something in them common that binds them deeply: the love for their pets. They both spoke about how much they loved each other cane helped them overcome difficult moments in life, including breakups in romantic relationships.

Both Barbara and Elisa have told some anecdotes very funny ones that concern your little dogs, whose presence at home, for them, represents a considerable joy. “THE dogs they absorb our life and therefore become like us,” Alberti said, “For example, mine has me put them horn”: this is where Matano didn’t seem to know how to comment, but Elisa’s words came to his aid to clarify Isoardi. “Mine also put me there horn”, the presenter confessed “Just yesterday he mistook me for a ball and he chose her instead of me,” she said, amused, with l’ironia that characterizes it.

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2023-10-06 18:01:01
#cheated #Alberto #Matano #delirium #Embarrassing #confess #Belligea

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