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Alberto Fernández Gives Explosive Interview Criticizing Government and Defending Administration

The former president appeared again in a report after being in Government (Grade: C+)

The former president Alberto Fernandez He gave a report after months in which he had only expressed himself through his social networks. It was with the channel C+where the head of state repeated his criticism of governance Javier Miley as head of state and said in the treatment that the Basic Law and the Fiscal Package. About them, he warned the Deputy Ministers who gave him half control and before the debate that the senators will give.

“I want to remind the congressmen that Raúl Alfonsín inserted a chapter in the Penal Code called ‘crimes that threaten the constitutional order and democratic life’ and that one of these articles punish legislators who give excessive power to the power of the Government. So prepare yourself,” said Alberto Fernández and confirmed that he believes that the role of legislators will have criminal consequences. “I have no doubt, I have never seen anything like it,” he said.

“It cannot be compared to anything in Argentine history, mainly the DNU, the law is unconstitutional as long as it ends the republican system of Government,” he said.

On the other hand, the former president elected by the Frente de Todos in a formula with Cristina Kirchner, referred to the two most controversial events of his time as president of the Country, an anomaly in the use of vaccines to people close to his officers. , remembered as “VIP vaccination” and the birthday photo of the first wife, Fabiola Yanezduring the most difficult period of the quarantine that the rest of society was facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID 19.

Vaccinations were a relative privilegebecause everyone who got the vaccine there should have gotten it and they would have gotten the vaccine a week or two later,” said Fernández about the case he himself asked former The Minister of Health, Ginés González García, has resigned.

“These are things that would have been better if they had not happened, but the bad thing would be if we had given the vaccine to our relatives, our children, people who did not need it. And the fact is that Argentina hurt its greatest health care professional, that is Ginés González García,” he said.

As for the remembered photo of Olivos, meanwhile, the former president insisted that it was “our mistake, my mistake,” but then warned that “before he have been meeting a lot more people,” arguing that those were busy times. in management. “Olivos was the Casa Rosada,” Fernández said. In addition, the former president focused on “They kept the picture for a year and they took him out during the campaign,” indicating that there was speculation that they would harm him.

“What happened at that dinner, which was really quiet, is our mistake that shouldn’t have happened. Me, mine, personally,” said the former president and then defended his behavior afterwards. “It happened that the former President intervened with Justice, he went denied, that the jurisdiction was discussed, he made a proposal that was rejected and he did not accept it and finally the prosecutor proposed compensation to me which I accepted and paid, and I did it as a common citizen. “

Fernández also spoke about the internal discussions that went through his administration and continued after he left power. “We need to build a group of workers as the most modern parties in today’s countries,” he said.

“I believe that we in Peronism owe ourselves a clear discussion, not about what happened, but where we want to go,” said the former president. In this frame, he pointed out that he was “one of the founders of Kirchnerism” and as far as he “remembers” that the party “opposed the public deficit and worked for fiscal balance . ” “That’s what I learned from Nestor. Then theories emerged that said the deficit was not that bad,” he continued.

When he recalled the intern with the former vice president and La Cámpora, he said at the time that he suggested that the discussions would not take place “with microphones and cameras.”

“One of the reasons he can’t leave Cristina aside is because she’s there. There must be a decision, it is not an individual decision. In my opinion, the general decision for Cristina includes her. The worst case scenario is Peronism against Cristina”development.

Regarding the officials who stressed the relationship during his mandate, he said: “They should have asked themselves, if that Government was so bad, why did they continue until the last day ?”

Regarding the new situation for Peronism, he mentioned that Axel Kicillof is “something new”, but he included other references instead: “Katopodis, Jorge Ferraresi, Victoria Tolosa Paz…”.

On the other hand, he renewed his criticism of his successor, President mercy. “People have hope that this will work, I think it won’t work,” he said of the economic plan and defended the administration despite the high levels of inflation, insisting that there was growth.

“The exchange restrictions are still there and they are not going to be removed easily, as there is a risk of escalation. There is an indiscriminate opening that will only harm Argentine production and we must always remember that 75% of the GDP is consumed by Argentines. When you go into a process of such a reduction in production, the effect is more decline and more poverty. There is no other equation,” he summed up the economic model of a libertarian administration.

Alberto Fernández gave a few minutes of the interview to give his opinion on the Causa Seguros in which recruitment by various state agencies is being investigated during his administration. He said he was “calm” about the “honesty,” and described the case as “a complete invention of a newspaper, which also has an insurance broker called Risco, a business group called Clarín, and in really what should be “The question is what did the order of Alberto Fernández.” “Until that Order, everyone insured themselves with whoever they were ask and in every case there were brokers and there the corruption mechanism was very, very easy. What I did was to confirm that all the State insurance is under monopolistic insurance by Nación Seguros,” he explained.

“It was the result of transparency and it is also an economic policy measure, because in 2023 the premiums received by Nación Seguros from the state were 50 billion pesos, money that goes to the Banco de la Nación, which is used for loans for SMEs. , for the field…I’m absolutely sure of what I’m saying, I’m sure,” he apologized.

2024-05-06 01:28:49
#Alberto #Fernández #legislators #voted #basic #law #criminal #cases #Prepare

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