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Alberto Fernández, cornered by his relationship with Fabiola, his secretary’s chats and the rejection of Peronism


Alberto Fernandez He is today a cornered man. His lackluster passage through the Presidency led him to break ties with the top brass of Peronism, who practically do not recognize him and complain that he makes political statements in an inorganic way. He also lost affinity with the “judicial family” since he denounced the tour from the judges to Lago Escondido. And he faces the progress of the insurance case, with the leak of the chats included, which this Sunday led to accusations of physical abuse of his ex-partner Fabiola Yanez.

The former president is separated from his wife. He lives in the apartment that “Pepe” Albistur and Victoria Tolosa Paz continue to lend him in the River View tower of Madero Portalthough it travels with some frequency to Spain, Because there he is, with Fabiola, his son Francisco, barely two years old. He also teaches law at two Iberian universities. But his personal relationship with Fabiola – which “was never the best,” according to people close to him – has now led to alleged constant demands for money from the former first lady.

The situation reached such a point that those who saw Fernández in recent weeks in Buenos Aires or spoke with him on the phone, noticed that he was upset with the situation he is going through with Yañez. The “threat” – that is how the former president would have taken it – that came from Spain about the possibility of Fabiola being the protagonist of a documentary film about his life in the Olivos estate between 2019 and 2023 is part of this saga.

Alberto Fernandez and Fabiola Yañez, on a bench in Madrid

In the midst of an increasingly complicated situation on the personal and judicial front, Alberto Fernández takes refuge among his usual loyalists. The former Minister of Justice Marcela Losardo She is refurbishing the office of the law firm that they shared for years on the quiet Callao Avenue and hopes that the former president will accompany her. Vilma Ibarrathe former Legal and Technical Secretary and who was once his partner, continues to talk to Fernández, as does the former foreign minister and current national deputy Santiago Cafiero.

Other lifelong friends, like the deputy Eduardo Valdesalso share some moments with the former president, but leaders who had a lot of confidence with Fernández, such as the deputy Leandro Santoroadmitted their political disappointment with the former president. However, some of his former ministers contacted him privately, such as Martin Guzmanwho is in a sort of pre-campaign to be a candidate for legislator in 2025, and Matias Kulfaswho was ejected from his government at the request of Cristina Kirchner.

The former president still has not forgiven Fernández for what she considers a disrespect towards her when they should have governed together. In fact, on Saturday she seemed to dedicate a sentence to him from Mexico, when speaking about the president-elect. Claudia Sheinbaum. “He demonstrated the maturity and lucidity to fully identify with the project of Manuel Lopez Obrador, which was the origin of this fantastic movement, resisting the temptation of wanting to be different or better, but always being part of a collective,” said the former vice president.

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner speaks during the international course “Political and Electoral Reality of Latin America” in Mexico.Capture

“That is the great lesson we must learn,” he concluded. Cristina Kirchner in the speech he gave before the leadership of Morena, the party of López Obrador, a historical ally of Alberto Fernández. It is impossible that the former president, who was in Mexico on the day of Sheinbaum’s election, did not feel it as a slap in the face. Although some leaders of the pan-Peronism speculated that the phrase was directed at Axel Kicillofin the former president’s entourage, they refocused it on Fernández, the favorite target of the Patria Institute.

So much so that when the first leaks of the chats of Fernández’s private secretary were published, Maria Canterowithin the framework of the case that investigates the business of insurance with the State during the previous government, Kirchnerism noted that Cantero told her husband, broker Hector Martinez Sosa, that the one who governed at that time was Alberto Fernández and not Cristina Kirchner. Almost a way of putting all the blame on the former president for the failure of the Frente de Todos.

Neither Sergio Massaanother key player in Unión por la Patria – the alliance that succeeded the extinct FdT – is very critical of Alberto Fernández for his compulsion to publish tweets or give interviews without previously making arrangements with any relevant Peronist leader. Although the former president and the former Minister of Economy did not cut off contacts, the Frente Renovador thinks that Fernández should have remained silent for a long time, following the same political strategy adopted by Cristina Kirchner and Massa himself.

But Fernández is known as a “hothead” who cannot resist the temptation to come out and answer the criticism he receives. “He couldn’t hold back when he was president and he doesn’t do it now either, it’s part of his personality,” describes a PJ leader who knows him well. Other leaders are less benevolent with the former president: “He lost the political respect that we had for him in Peronism,” he warns in contact with THE NATIONAnd he adds: “He couldn’t even keep quiet about Venezuela, they took him down before he got on the plane.”

However, Alberto Fernández is a political man and maintains relations in different parts of the world. He was in Honduras two weeks ago, where he met with the Puebla Groupin which he actively participated. And then he landed in Buenos Aires, where these days the chats of his former private secretary exploded in his hands. Those who remain in Albertism are convinced that the judge Julian Ercolini He leaked them as part of an operation that prepares the ground for an upcoming summons to give a preliminary statement.

The former president has already challenged Judge Ercolini, unsuccessfully so far, in the insurance case. He claimed that the magistrate is plotting a “revenge disguised as a criminal case” because they were friends in the past – they shared a chair at the UBA as professors – and despite this he denounced him for the trip to Lago Escondido. But María Cantero’s chats became like a boomerang against him. And there is still no certainty that there will be new chapters in the Albertist soap opera. And with Fabiola as the protagonist.

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