Home » today » News » Alberto Fernández charged against Milei again: “We are at a moment in which it seems that the deniers are doing well”

Alberto Fernández charged against Milei again: “We are at a moment in which it seems that the deniers are doing well”

President Alberto Fernandez today charged against “climate change deniers” in a clear allusion to the libertarian Javier Mileywho does not believe in the environmental effect, and assured that “For some, the essential thing is to make money”. She did it in the framework of the opening of the XXVII National Water Congress (CONAGUA) that he starred in the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK).

“We believe that you have to irrigate the land and bring water. Do it rationally, this is called ‘drip irrigation’, irrigate and give the appropriate dose to the necessary agricultural production. I say these things because we are living in a time when for many these issues seem secondary,” he said in the company of the Minister of Public Works, Gabriel Katopodis.

Along the same lines, he expanded: «The real secret is to see how some accumulate dollars and wealth while others die without water. We do not want that, water is a component for human life, if I deprive an Argentinean of water I am making his living conditions more difficult ». Fernández also warned that “it is inadmissible that in the 21st century human beings lack water to live.” Thus, he also blamed “the lack of reaction” to the effects of climate change.

Alberto Fernández’s criticism of the extreme right

For his part, he remarked that Argentina is going through “a stage in which the deniers are doing well.” On this point, he stated that “they not only deny the existence of State terrorism, but also that of climate change.” “It is not a religious issue, it is scientific. It has been definitively proven how the consumption of fossil fuels was overheating the globe and how huge droughts, low ice, low seas, dry rivers were generated”, he explained.

For his part, he indicated: «The good use of water is essential for human beings and for production. There are the priorities that occur in politics: those who see that the essential thing is to improve the production and quality of human beings and those who see that the essence is to make money. “To make money, you don’t have to spread money, you have to plant caves so that the financial system does its part,” he stressed.

A new crossing with Cristina Kirchner

Finally, he also slipped a criticism directed at Vice President Cristina Kirchner after referring to last week’s storm in La Plata. “La Plata was not flooded because works were carried out after it was so flooded when Cristina was President,” she asserted.

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