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‘Albert has maintained his Coburg stubbornness, even though Filip urged him to recognize Delphine’

When did you first learn that Albert had an illegitimate daughter?

“Actually, that was already going on in the 1970s. At that time, it was already being told in the political corridors. But nobody ever made a problem of it because Albert was never expected to become king. The press also adhered to the unwritten rule that the media should respect the private life of the royal family.”

“It was also known that Albert had a relationship with Delphine’s mother, Baroness Sibylle de Selys Longchamps. The relationship lasted sixteen years, something like that is hard to hide. Photos had already appeared at that time, showing that they went on holiday together. But it wasn’t until decades later, when Mario Danneels published his book reporting the existence of Delphine in one sentence, that it really became a public affair.”

The book came out in 1999, when Albert was already king. Do you think that changed everything?

“Indeed, because Albert was king, it also became a political issue. The king has an important moral authority in our country. When his reputation was in jeopardy, it was difficult to speak of a private matter. At that time, the government also had a role to play. A month after the unveiling of Danneels, Albert delivered his Christmas message in which he said: ‘We do not wish to go into that in more detail, it belongs to our private life.’”

“I would like to point out that it was the government that had to approve the text of that message. I don’t think it was Paola who then determined the king’s attitude. Of course I can’t say for sure. But I don’t think she was his chief counselor at the time.”

Royal family expert and emeritus professor Mark Van den Wijngaert: ‘I don’t think Delphine enjoys it when someone calls her ‘royal highness’.’Statue Eric de Mildt

King Albert continued to deny the existence of Delphine. He once told herself on the phone that she was not his daughter.

“Albert would have been better off adopting a mature attitude, then the dust would have settled faster and there would have been no years of court proceedings. The damage to the monarchy really started when all sorts of things were said about the king’s private life in a courtroom. If he had just admitted that she was his daughter before, the world would have been a very different place.”

“Albert has maintained his Coburg stubbornness, even though Filip urged him to recognize Delphine. When Albert abdicated, he also lost his immunity and the process over his paternity has accelerated. In the end, he couldn’t help but acknowledge her. So Delphine got what she wanted, but it must have a very sour aftertaste. I don’t think she gets any pleasure from anyone calling her ‘royal highness’.”

Is it time for Albert to tell his story too?

“The affair colored his entire monarchy, because his attitude also made him lose his moral authority. Ever since Delphine’s existence became known, much of the public opinion has taken a stand against him because many people felt that he should recognize her. If he’s going to tell you why he didn’t, he’ll shoot himself in the foot again. I think he hopes that one day the storm will pass.”

Delphine, my story, Wednesday at 8.40 pm on One

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