Home » today » Entertainment » “Albert et Charlie” by Olivier Dutaillis, meeting between 2 giants of the 20th century

“Albert et Charlie” by Olivier Dutaillis, meeting between 2 giants of the 20th century

Einstein and Chaplin met on several occasions but never, it seems, under very good conditions… This play proposes to remedy this by organizing appointments conducive to a beautiful moment of theatre…

No scholar has known the fame of Einstein in his lifetime, no artist the fame of Chaplin.. One represents the most complex work, the other the most accessible work. Everything seems to oppose them. And yet they had in common a total independence, a deep humanity, humor, love of music… Both were exposed to major upheavals of their century and were very concerned about the consequences this would have for their fellow human beings.

The 2 men met in 1931 and their exchange is memorable. “What I admire the most in your art”, observe Albert Einstein, “it is its universality. You don’t say a word, and yet the whole world understands you”. And Chaplin replied: “It’s true, but your glory is greater still: the whole world admires you, while no one understands you.”.

Here they are again reunited, during imaginary meetinga new way of evoking the improbable “friendship” between these 2 men.

A play to discover at the Montparnasse Theater until May 7, 2023. Reserve your seats

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