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Albe at the ballot with Nunzio

Amici 2022 evening ed.21 direct seventh episode 30 April 2022

Gauntlet between Albe and Luigiwith the latter clashing with Anna Pettinelli. According to the teacher, too often, Luigi is praised by the jury for no real reason. Rudy Zerbi takes his student’s side and accuses her colleague of agreeing with the jury, only when they give her the point in favor. Speaking of the jury, Stefano De Martino is enchanted by both. His vote goes to Luigi, original for his reinterpretations of Pazza Idea and Io Vagabondo. So the team led by Zerbi-Celentano wins again.

“I disagree with the jury”, Pettinelli snaps. “To understand Albe you need a second listening”, explains the professor. The challenge goes on and there are at stake Albe and Dario: only one of the two will go to final ballot with Nunzio. Who will the judges choose? Maria De Filippi asks Nunzio if she has preferences between the two challengers. “They are both good, who we take is fine”, comments the dancer. The papers with the judges’ verdict arrive: Albe goes to the final ballot with Nunzio. Dario breathes a sigh of relief. (Agg. Jacopo D’Antuono)

Peparini-Celentano, strong words fly

And we have come to the challenge between the team Celentano-Zerbi and the team led by Peparini-Pettinelli to Amici. Gauntlet going on between Dario and Michele and Alessandra Celentano asphalts the dancer: “But what does Dario’s dance world know about? To think that you danced well means that you don’t understand anything about dance ”. “I won’t let you! I understand dance! What do you say…”angrily replies Veronica Pepariniwho loses his temper and invites Celentano to calm down and moderate the terms.

Very warm souls on stage, where a decisive challenge is played. “I’m sorry“, Alessandra then portrayed at the end of the confrontation between the two students. The ball passes to the jurors who award the point a Celentano-Zerbi. Mission therefore accomplished for Michele. Go on with another challenge, the one between Luigi and Albe. (Agg. Jacopo D’Antuono)

Nunzio at the final ballot

Luigi looks like a second child prodigy Stefano de Martino but tonight it has exceeded its limits. “You are measured and elegant, in the end you always bring the performance home”, says the judge of Amici. “I think like Stefano,” continues Stash. So the first heat of the evening goes to the team Zerbi-Celentanowhich indicate three names of the opposing team for the final ballot and therefore the risk of elimination.

Nunzio, Serena and Alex are the three guys who will have to give their best to convince the judges to put them back on track. Who will be saved? After the performances arrive the papers, with the first verdict of the jurors. Between Stash, Nunzio and Serena Alex immediately returns to the race. Serena and Nunzio remain at risk, with the latter now well sailed. In fact, it is he who ends up in the ballot for the umpteenth time. (Agg. Jacopo D’Antuono)

Luigi enchants in the first heat

Start the seventh episode of Amici and like every week we are preparing to live together there live in the evening, with all the thrills of the challenges. It begins with the confrontation between the team Zerbi-Celentano and Cuccarini-Todaroafter that Stash won the arm wrestling challenge with his colleagues on the jury, Stefano de Martino and Emanuele Filiberto. Rudy Zerbi, as in the past few weeks, shows up in the studio with his legendary briefcase with the words “young team”, but first of all he decides to call Cuccarini and Todaro’s team on stage.

“We are ready to win!” Opens Zerbi. “We always have humility”, the professor jokes. Let’s get comfortable, he starts with Luigi against Nunzio. Who will win? Celentano starts in fourth and attacks the dancer. “The protagonist is always me”, says the dancer after Alessandra has defined him as inconsistent. Luigi is also enchanting on stage, but pay attention to Nunzio’s performance, with an extraordinary Francesca Tocca. (Agg. Jacopo D’Antuono)

Amici 21 Evening 2022: advances to the seventh episode 30 April 2022

It won’t be an easy evening for Michele, the dancer of the teacher Alessandra Celentano. The seventh evening of Amici 2022 he will see him as a great protagonist and not only for the performances at the center of the Canale 5 studio. Michele is the last dancer left at Celentano and also his ace in the hole, yet this evening he will end up in the crosshairs of Raimondo Todaro’s criticisms.

On other occasions the Latin dance master has said of Michele that he is an excellent dancer only when he dances classical repertoire but that, in other styles, his talent is not at the same level. Tonight, however, he will have a not very nice comment against him during the match he will play against Sissi. Words that will trigger the reaction of the dancer and, of course, also of his teacher. (Update by Anna Montesano)

Two successes for Luigi

The path of Luigi at Amici 2022 evening. That the pupil was among the candidates for the final of this edition was already understood during the afternoon, yet in the course of the six episodes of the evening so far aired it has grown further and the results obtained even in the last hours confirm this. From the anticipations of the recording of the seventh evening, broadcast this evening on Canale 5, we discover that it will be Luigi who will win the Tim award.

But that’s not all: another great satisfaction for the singer came from the iTunes chart. In fact, the new singles of the singers who remained in the race have recently come out and it is Luigi who has conquered the first place in the ranking. In second place, just behind Luigi, however, there is Alex. The head to head between the two is increasingly on! (Update by Anna Montesano)

Luigi, Albe and Nunzio at risk

Three students at risk during the seventh episode of Friends evening 21 broadcast this evening, in prime time, on channel 5? Once again, to the delight of the students still in the competition, there will be no double elimination. Only one competitor, at the end of the episode full of challenges, will have to leave school definitively, thus saying goodbye to the dream of reaching the final and taking home the victory. Who, then, will be the students at risk?

From the previews of the Twitter page “Amici News”, we know that two singers and a dancer will arrive at the three-party ballot. Luigi, Albe and Nunzio. The first to save himself will be Luigi who will thus snatch the ticket for the next episode while Albe and Nunzio will compete in a final challenge full of tension (update by Stella Dibenedetto).

Amici 21 Evening 2022: new elimination

Il seventh evening of Amici 2022 awaits us tonight, April 30, on Canale 5. We are approaching the semifinal and, therefore, the proclamation of the finalists of this edition but before Maria De Filippi returns to the conduct of the talent in an episode that will give many twists. Alongside him, as always, the jury composed of Emanuele Filiberto, Stefano De Martino and Stash of The Kolors. To them the decisive task of choosing who will be able to continue the path towards the final and who will not.

The seventh evening Amici 21 will also be characterized by three heats and, just like last week, there will be only one elimination. There will therefore be a provisional elimination for each heat; the three will finally go to challenge each other in the final phase of the episode. The jury will decide a first salvo; the other two will go to the house with the others and there, as always, they will know the name of the eliminated.

The competitors and the challenges of the sixth episode of the evening Amici 2022

Arrived at seventh evening of Amici 2022, how are the teams organized? Last week to leave the school of Amici 21 and the evening race it was LDA, lead singer of Rudy Zerbi’s team. To date, the competitors of the evening Amici 2022 remaining in the race are: Alex (singer), Nunzio (dancer), Serena (dancer) and Sissi (singer) for the team of Lorella Cuccarini and Raimondo Todaro; Luigi (singer) and Michele (dancer) for the Amici 2022 team of Rudy Zerbi and Alessandra Celentano; Albe (singer) and Dario (dancer) for the team of Veronica Peparini and Anna Pettinelli. Only one of them will have to leave school permanently giving up the dream of winning the final of Amici 21: who will it be? (Click here to find out what happened in the registration of Amici 21)

Guests and new challenge between professors at the evening Amici 21

The challenges between the students of Amici 21, during the seventh evening, will also alternate with musical moments and moments dedicated to entertainment. Obviously, also tonight there will be a challenge between professors. A new gauntlet was launched between Ceccarini-Todaro and Celentano-Zerbi and the latter are ready to clinch their third consecutive victory. The parenthesis dedicated to Senior friends with Nino Frassica and the musical moment, at the end of the episode, with the guest of the seventh evening: Expensive. Let us also prepare ourselves for heated quarrels between professors, in particular the one that will see the teacher Alessandra Celentano and her colleague Veronica Peparini as the protagonist.


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