Home ยป today ยป Technology ยป Alba Carrillo’s applauded response on Instagram to a follower who told her she had gained weight

Alba Carrillo’s applauded response on Instagram to a follower who told her she had gained weight

This Thursday, the television channel Alba Carrillo shared on her Instagram account some images taken in Nava del Barco, where she enjoyed with her family a day of river bathing.

In several of the images, the model was shown in a bikiniand a follower made an observation in the comments that required an applauded response from Alba Carrillo herself.

“Enjoy, you look happy, But beware, you are gaining weight a bit. Take care!” the follower wrote.

Carrillo’s response was immediate: “Hello darling! I’m not getting fat! In August I don’t train, but believe me that I’m great in all my analytics and the clothes look ugly on me,” he said.

“Comments like that they can do a lot of harm to girls growing and are more dangerous than jumping off a rock. I know perfectly well how I am and you do not make me doubt, but a growing little person can feel insecure before her body and then the dislikes come, “said the talk show host.

“We should be more cautious with non-objective assessments of our own bodies and those of others. I lend you my body whenever you want and tell me how you feel You’re going to freak out, but with my brain I don’t even tell you โ€ฆ “, sentenced the model from Madrid.

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