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Alarming Survey Shows Shocking Historical Knowledge Gaps Among French Youth

the essentials Barely more than one in two young French people are able to date the French Revolution and only 40% the fall of the Berlin Wall. The result of an edifying survey published by La Tribune.

The OpinionWay survey published in The Sunday Tribune January 7 is alarming. Our colleagues looked at the historical knowledge of the generation of French people born between 1999 and 2007. And the results of the study go beyond what one could have imagined. Indeed, it appears that only 54% of the 986 people questioned are able to say that the French Revolution began in 1789, only 40% can date the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and less than 25% know that the State of Israel was established in 1948.

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Almost 40% of those questioned have never heard the term “Vél d’Hiv roundup”, 32% do not know what “Final Solution” means. And one in five young people say they have doubts about the history and existence of the Shoah. “Is it possible to teach anti-Semitism to young people who do not know what the Shoah is, who do not understand the specificity of this historical fact?” deplores political scientist Chloé Morin in La Tribune .

A question of media education

The principle of secularism is thus seriously questioned by this generation: more than a quarter judge that Israel’s policy in Gaza and the West Bank “can justify anti-Semitic remarks”, almost half think that the public authorities protect more Jews than Muslims and 4 out of 6 that the law separating Churches and State is “above all a means of discriminating against French Muslims”.

Results which can be explained in particular by young people’s sources of information: social networks are far ahead of television channels. And only 8% get their information from the written press.

2024-01-08 20:34:32
#year #olds #French #Revolution #place

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