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alarming statements by French doctors on the Coronavirus

The Covid-19, a little grippette? If this was the talk for several weeks, the words have changed in recent days regarding the Coronavirus. And the doctors are really sounding the alarm.

No, the Covid-19 is not a small flu

According to Gilles Pialoux, head of the infectiology service at Tenon Hospital in Paris who confided in the Parisian, “It is much more serious” than a simple flu.

He adds : “Of course, it’s not Ebola. But the Chinese have shown that a patient can be fine and suddenly, the second week, on the 8th or 10th day, he ends up in intensive care. “

The worst is therefore before us in this unprecedented health crisis and government and medical recommendations should not be underestimated.

Complications, young cases and more complex consequences than previously thought

For several days, it was thought that the coronavirus only killed the elderly or people with a serious medical history or associated pathologies. But this is no longer the case today. The number of patients between 30 and 40 years of age in intensive care has exploded.

These patients will have to remain in intensive care on artificial respirators for 20 days on average. Hence the need to confine the population in order to prevent the curve of the number of cases from rising steeply. The goal is to smooth this curve over time to avoid shortages of beds and equipment in hospitals.

Will patients after resuscitation have sequelae? Apparently not according to Gilles Pialloux but heavy fatigue for 6 months is to be expected: “This is the bad news in the bad news. Let’s be clear, we have to prepare for the worst. “

According to Jean-Michel Constantin, Deputy Secretary General of the French Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation, there is no risk of pulmonary sequelae ” But they will be exhausted for six months. And they will have to go through a rehabilitation phase because of neuromuscular damage. “

Posted by Elsa on 15 Mar 2020

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