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Alarming Increase in Suicides in Singapore: Causes, Statistics, and Solutions


Singapore has reported the highest number of suicides in more than 20 years. Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) reported 476 cases throughout 2022, this record was reported Saturday (1/7/2023).

“The number of suicides last year is a concerning increase, up 25.9 percent from the 378 cases reported in 2021,” SOS said in a media release, citing Immigration and Checkpoints Authority data.

reported Channel News AsiaSOS said that the problems that often trigger it are family, work, financial difficulties, and romantic relationships.

An increase in suicide in most age groups was also reported, especially among adolescents and the elderly. Suicide remained the leading cause of death for adolescents aged 10 to 29 for four consecutive years, with around a third of all deaths in this age group being suicides.

Meanwhile, the population aged between 70 and 79 recorded the largest increase, namely 60 percent in suicides last year compared to 2021.

“The top three issues that older people look for are medical problems, family difficulties and loneliness,” says SOS.

Of the 476 deaths by suicide last year, 317 were men and 159 were women.

“Globally, male suicide deaths consistently outnumber female suicide deaths. Research has shown that there are several potential factors that could lead to higher numbers, including societal expectations and mental health stigma,” SOS said.

Dr Jared Ng, senior consultant and medical director at Connections MindHealth called the unprecedented increase in suicide rates in Singapore heartbreaking.

“This increase paints a picture of the invisible mental pressure that permeates our society, especially among the young and the elderly,” said Jared.

“It is critical that we remain alert to pressing issues that continue to have a major impact on mental health, such as social isolation and loneliness. The time is now, to redouble our efforts in the area of ​​early detection and actively promote a culture of seeking help and looking after one another,” he said.

SOS, a non-profit suicide prevention center, saw a 27 percent increase in use of its 24-hour hotline and CareText service last year.

Singapore should continue to improve access to mental health support and equip first responders with the knowledge and skills to identify those at risk and connect them to the right support, SOS said.

SOS CEO, Gasper Tan, acknowledged the “urgency of the situation” and committed to continuing to take proactive steps to tackle the rising suicide rate and provide support to those in need.

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2023-07-01 02:32:13
#Singapore #Emergency #Suicide #Case #Highest #Record #Years

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