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Alanyaspor 1-1 Göztepe (Match Summary)


Trendyol Super League Alanyaspor and Göztepe faced each other in the opening match of the 3rd week. The match ended in a 1-1 draw.

While Heliton scored Göztepe’s goal in the 45th minute, Yusuf Özdemir scored Alanyaspor’s goal in the 48th minute.

After this result, Göztepe increased its points to 3 and Alanyaspor increased its points to 2.


Goal: 45′ Heliton, 48′ Yusuf Özdemir

First half result: 0-1

TOP 11’S

Alanyaspor: Ertuğrul, Hadergjonaj, Furkan, Aliti, Balkovec, Makaouta, Richard, Lopes, Efecan, Yusuf, Cordova.

Goztepe: Lis, Nielsen, Koray Günter, Heliton, Miroshi, Djalma, Solet, Dennis, Tijanic, Kubilay, Romulo.

Match Minutes (First Half)

development in the 29th minute Alanyaspor Balkovec, who received the ball from Yusuf Özdemir’s pass in his attack, shot from outside the penalty area and the leather ball remained with the goalkeeper.
In the 35th minute, Yusuf Özdemir’s header went out after Rony Lopes’ cross from Alanyaspor’s attack from the right side.
In the 45th minute, Nielsen caught Djalma’s cross from the left wing, and Kubilay Kanatsızkuş’s header was blocked by goalkeeper Ertuğrul Taşkıran. Heliton sent the ball back into the net. 0-1


Match Minutes (Second Half)

In the 48th minute, Yusuf Özdemir put the ball into the net at the back post after Makouta’s pass from the right wing. 1-1
In the 69th minute, after Ramulo’s cross from the right, Juan’s hard shot on the back post almost went out.
In the 77th minute, Makouta shot outside the penalty area and the ball stayed with the goalkeeper.
Development from the left in the 85th minute Goztepe Goalkeeper Ertuğrul Taşkıran saved Romulo’s header in the penalty area after Djalma’s cross attack. Romulo headed the return ball again, and his shot went narrowly over the round post.

2024-08-23 20:06:35
#Alanyaspor #Göztepe #Match #Summary

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