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Alain Delon at the end of his life! His son Anthony’s shock announcement about his father’s “last Christmas”

The Alain Delon’s declining health, 88 years old, worries his son Anthony a lot. In a poignant interview given to Paris Matchhe makes shocking revelations on the fragile state of the sacred monster of French cinemanotably raising the possibility that the last Christmas spent with family was the last for the legend of the big screen.

Alain Delon: Health that is rapidly deteriorating

Anthony Delon publicly worries about her father’s declining healthwhich he describes as “very weakened” et “physically fragile“. According to him, Alain Delon, 88 years old, would be diminished both physically and mentally.

The Delon children take turns at his home in Douchy to support and accompany him on a daily basis, but his fragile state continues to deteriorate despite their presence. Alain-Fabien settled there, Anthony visits him twice a weekwhile Anouchka, residing in Switzerland, comes as much as possible.

One last Christmas synonymous with goodbyes?

In this poignant interview, Anthony Delon reveals that his father considers that the last Christmas spent with the family could be the last, due to the rapid deterioration of his state of health. According to him, Alain Delon would be aware that the end is near, and this last Christmas had a farewell dimension for him. This announcement highlights the growing concerns about the future of the sacred monster of French cinema, now very diminished.

Family tensions surrounding the father’s health

The interview also reveals family tensions, including between Anthony Delon and his sister Anouchka. Anthony accuses him of having concealed crucial information about their father’s health. It reveals that between 2019 and 2022, Alain Delon failed five cognitive testsshowing a significant decline in her abilities since her stroke in 2019. However, Anouchka would not have shared these worrying results with the rest of the family.

Hope despite conflicts?

Despite these conflicts, Anthony Delon half-heartedly expresses his hope. He says he now focuses on his own family and the education of his children. He nevertheless regrets Anouchka’s absence last Christmas, which greatly affected their weakened father. But this painful affair also allowed a certain rapprochement between the Delon brothers and sisters.

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