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“Al Bano Carrisi’s 80th Birthday Celebration with Gianni Morandi, Umberto Tozzi, Arisa, and Renato Zero”

The phone keeps ringing. It’s the big day. That of the 80 years of Al Bano Carrisi. Just Saturday, when we met the great singer and interpreter grappling with his Four times 20 which is also the title of the one man show staged at the Verona Arena. Canale 5 will broadcast the event in the early evening of tomorrow. On stage with the birthday boy, a roundup of guests, friends and colleagues: Gianni Morandi, Umberto Tozzi, The Rich and Poor, Arisa, Iva Zanicchi e Renato Zero and obviously Romina Power.

Read also: Al Bano, “junk 4 times a day”: the truth about the breakup with Romina

Maestro, does four times 20 mean that you feel like an eternal twenty year old?
“Not an eternal twenty-year-old but a four times eternal twenty-year-old! With all the aches and pains and joys and storms and calms that come. In a word: life.”
His name is the tribute that his father wanted to pay to Albania from which he returned safely during the war years. Did he have other contacts with the Country of the Eagles?
«The Albanians have told me that I have opened the doors of democracy in their country. That’s why they made me Albanian, complete with a passport. An unexpected action that I accepted as a gesture of great humanity».
In the estate that he has created over the years in Cellino San Marco, his native town, does he rediscover all the worlds he has known or does he mostly relive the ancient world of his father?
«Analyzing a tree, understanding its process well, will make you understand who you are. Like a tree that moves but if it didn’t have a healthy root it couldn’t have lived a healthy life”.

Read also: Al Bano and Romina, “bloody divorce”: the confession of Bernardini de Pace

Milan the city where he landed to pursue what was already a legend then: Adriano Celentano…
«I owe everything to Milan. It is the city that taught me to be who I am. I was chasing the myth of Modugno. Later Celentano was my employer».
Did she invite him to the Arena for her party?
“You’ll find out on Tuesday evening. I’m not anticipating anything but I tell you it will be interesting».
In Milan he also has many youthful memories of a different kind. Difficulties with jobs in restaurants…
“I wouldn’t call them difficulties. It was my journey. I did everything I felt was possible and positive to do. I was a lonely boy with affection 1100 kilometers from Milan but I never gave up because that was my father’s ideology: never give up».
Milan is also the city of Berlusconi, have you heard about it lately, before being hospitalized?
“I’ve been interested in how he’s doing, while remaining as light as a dove’s feather. I am always close to him in thought. He has done things for me that no one else has ever done. He and Sophia Loren were special. I saw this in my time of need, when I was experiencing my daughter’s tragedy. They were the only two who cared about one of their compatriots in New Orleans, making me feel their constant presence. In those times they were the only positive note for me. How can one forget gestures of such humanity?».
Her father always advised her to stay away from politics. But can politics stay close to the Italians?
«Let’s leave the answer to the Italians… It’s not my diplomacy. We are lucky to live in this country. Unfortunately, in my opinion, there has always been a disorderly policy which, arguing about everything, continues to set the wrong example. Is it possible that one cannot be brothers or children of the only mother called Italy? An Italy that needs help. With all the natural tragedies that happen… From Polesine to today the same things happen and it’s symptomatic».

Read also: Al Bano, Lecciso and sex: “When you need it…”

The lawyer Bernardini De Pace defined his divorce with Romina the most “bloody”. Would you use the same adjective?
«Don’t worry, otherwise I’ll never call you De Pace again but De Guerra. If it was bloody, she gave it a good setting. Let’s take responsibility. Who was the general of this army? I don’t want to get into controversy. I only defend myself from jokes that I consider unhappy».
Did you bring up the story of Romina who smoked too many joints just to celebrate her 80’s with more panache?
«It’s not something I said against Romina but against marijuana that stole two wonderful worlds from me: that of my daughter and my family. I am against drugs because it hurts society as well as the individual. Against drugs I will fight until I have breath in my throat.
In your opinion, did Romina understand the meaning of her revelation?
“I don’t know if he got it. Maybe I’ll have to explain it to him better…”
With your younger children, Bido and Jasmine, do you talk about your sister Ylenia?
“I don’t talk about it but I think they know more than I do. If they had to address the issue, of course I would.
She has had two families for a long time now. Would you call it an “extended family”?
«The other night I was in front of another family of 10,000 people. My family goes from my children, from the women who gave them to me to those who listen to me with attention and love or even with some criticism”.

Read also: Al Bano “hunted like a mangy dog”: harsh accusation

You are a man of faith. Is it true that È la mia vita a Sanremo was censored because the word “blaspheme” was in the text?
“It’s a huge lie. That I am against blasphemy is a great truth. I didn’t write that text but I guarantee you that there was never the word blaspheming».
Is there a religious figure who in the days of despair over the disappearance of her daughter helped her more than others, offering her the word that really made her find faith again?
«I was lucky enough to know Don Luigi Verzé. The answer lies in all that he has left for others. From the university to the avant-garde hospital that he created. In the concern that he has always had to follow God’s people. In his somewhat strange last years he told me that if his employer had wanted it like this, he would have endured even the cross on which they were nailing him. But he also wondered how he could steal from himself. Words he will never forget.’
You met Putin who told you he was his fan…
«It was 1986, he was the head of the KGB. We were in Leningrad. Then I sang for him on numerous other occasions: when he was elected president and up until 5 years ago in Budapest, where Orban was also there. Putin was the westernmost of the Russians. He loved Italy. He decided to defend his territoriality but in the wrong way, because the war shouldn’t have been unleashed ».
If you could today what would you say to him?
«That in life you can also make mistakes. I’m not saying I admit the mistake, but we need a good intention to end this squalid and tragic war».

2023-05-22 22:36:00
#Bano #drugs #stole #heavy #words #Romina

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