Home » today » Entertainment » Akrita: “Tyler, you’re lucky you weren’t born Mareva” – 2024-04-01 13:59:40

Akrita: “Tyler, you’re lucky you weren’t born Mareva” – 2024-04-01 13:59:40

With her post, the SYRIZA MP, Elena Akrita, responds to the post of the journalist Thanos Dimadis who tried to make an unfortunate comparison between the husband of Stefanos Kasselakis, Tyler Macbeth, and the wife of the prime minister, Mareva Grabovski.

In particular, she responds in her own caustic way to the remark: “The ‘mistake’ of Mareva Mitsotakis in Greece is that Tyler was not born”.

For her part, Mrs. Akrita meaningfully pointed out that “Tyler’s mistake is that he wasn’t born Mareva».

Her post in detail:

Tyler’s mistake is that Mareva was not born.
Tyler doesn’t have a Voltaire house.
He doesn’t have 40 properties that we don’t know where he keeps his hat from.
He does not do strange business with big companies.
He does not undertake costume assignments for free, such as for Aegean and the costumes-extremes of taxi drivers at Lyriki.
He does not play politics with deals under the table.
He does not abuse his partner’s institutional position.
He does not bother with sms and phone calls to entrepreneurs and big publishers.
He doesn’t play games with Pothen Esche, he doesn’t do anything illegal, nothing suspicious.
I have gotten to know Tyler Macbeth well. I have had many conversations with him and I can assure you that he is a serious, empathetic, politically minded and independent person.
He is not Stefanos’ tail, he is not a follower, he is not decorative. And he certainly does not indulge in underground Byzantineisms like the lady in question.
Tyler supports his man and supports him on the ground, while keeping the autonomy of his personality intact.
So Tyler, you’re lucky you weren’t born Mareva.

Read also:

The severed “right hands” of Kyriakos

Tempi: Holding the Documento, they demand the resignation of Floridis – “Insufficient to render justice”

Pavlos Marinakis: Back to old “recipes” to refute the revelations about Mareva’s messages

#Akrita #Tyler #youre #lucky #werent #born #Mareva

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