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AKK triggers debate about Bundeswehr deployment

Defense Minister Kramp-Karrenbauer has brought in a Bundeswehr Libya mission. The opposition accuses her of acting hastily and “without a clear strategy”.

Greens and FDP are skeptical of the Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) initiated debate about a possible deployment of Libya by the Bundeswehr. “Before you think about an operation in Libya, you first need a resilient political perspective for the country,” said the Green Defense expert Tobias Lindner the newspapers of the editorial network Germany (RND – Monday editions). He therefore warned against rash announcements.

In addition to legal hurdles such as the requirement for a UN mandate, Lindner also referred to the still completely unclear situation in Libya. Missions abroad “must also make sense politically,” warned the Greens politician. The Greens foreign politician was also cautious Omid Nouripour, “It would be unwise to rule out a European mission in Libya from the start,” he told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”. However, “there are very high hurdles”.

Possible capacity problems in the Bundeswehr?

“Without a clear strategy, the Defense Minister should stop offering the Bundeswehr,” she said FDP-Defense politician Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann to the RND newspapers. In addition, it must be clarified whether the Bundeswehr currently has the capacity for further operations.

Generally against a new one armed forces– The left foreign politician Stefan Liebich spoke out. However, he signaled openness to an international mission in which the five permanent members of the UN Security Council should participate.

AKK: Quick check for Bundeswehr contribution

Kramp-Karrenbauer had previously commented positively on a possible German participation in an international protection force for Libya. Should a ceasefire be agreed at the Berlin Libya conference, which must be safeguarded internationally, then the Bundeswehr and the Ministry of Defense would “be able to say very quickly what our contribution could look like,” she said on the sidelines of a CDU board meeting in Saturday Hamburg. Germany must deal with this question.

The CDU chief received basic support from the SPD defense politician Fritz Felgentreu. The LibyaConference only makes sense “if everyone involved is willing to take responsibility for the implementation of their results,” he also told the RND newspapers. “Germany cannot stand apart from this, but should make an appropriate contribution.” However, Felgentreu did not specify what this post could look like.

Nils Schmid: Germany bears shared responsibility

The SPD-Außenpolitiker Nils Schmid said the “FAS”: “Germany, as the initiator of the Berlin process, is of course also responsible for the successful implementation of such an agreement if all parties to the conflict are informed.” Although this will not be an issue at the deliberations this Sunday, “Germany should be open to such a mission” if the conditions are there.

The CDU-Außenpolitiker Roderich Kiesewetter said the “FAS”: “An international one, by the U.N. a mandated protection mission is a possible scenario to secure a comprehensive peace process. “The CDU politician Johann Wadephul also commented positively on such an effort.

At the Berlin Libya Conference on Sunday afternoon, numerous heads of state and government and representatives of the Libyan conflict parties wrestle for ways to find a peace solution for the civil war country.

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