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Aker Solutions secures 1.7 billion in the order book – E24

Aker Solutions is given the extension to carry out maintenance on Aker BP’s oil field.

Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix


Aker Solutions has signed a two-year extension for a maintenance and modification contract. The assignment covers Aker BP’s oilfields Ula, Skarb, Valhall and Tambar off the coast of Norway.

It comes out in one stock exchange announcement.

The total value of the contract is estimated to be around NOK 1.7 billion, the company writes. The amount must be noted in the order intake for the second quarter of this year.

– We are pleased to continue to provide maintenance and modification work for Aker BP. Work under the new alliance has proven to be effective, and the alliance has continued to improve deliveries and develop new ways of working, says Linda L. Aase of Aker Solutions in a statement.

The Aker Solutions share is up 2.3 per cent on the Oslo Stock Exchange on Monday afternoon. The Aker BP share, for its part, is down 0.5 percent.

Collaborates closely

Aker Solutions and Aker BP have already worked closely together in several areas.

The oil service group is part of Aker BP’s alliances for platforms, subsea and modifications.

In recent years, the oil company has established such alliances within various disciplines. There, they gather a bunch of suppliers who work closely together in teams over time.
The idea is to achieve faster, better and more cost-effective project execution in this way than in traditional bidding rounds.

When Aker Solutions became part of Aker BP’s modification alliance in 2018, it was further built on a framework agreement Aker Solutions signed with BP Norway (before the merger into Aker BP) in 2015.

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