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AKB: the only alternative to save our Football remains the holding of the congress on January 6, 2024 (declaration)


I humbly invite statutory members to mobilize at a time when a new electoral timetable has been published to relaunch the normalization process of our Association. I would like, on behalf of all my running mates, to express my deep regret following the failure of the various mediation initiatives taken and initiated by everyone, particularly by the government and the Prime Minister, Dr Bernard Goumou. I also deplore that this electoral process is unfortunately deprived of a list managed and composed of competent women and men committed to the service of Guinean Football. Obviously, better than anyone, I understand and measure perfectly the degree of frustration and anger of our sisters, brothers and friends of the list led by General Mathurin Bangoura and that of many statutory members supporting the said list.

I deplore the exclusion and injustice denounced by our sisters and brothers but my wish and my will as well as those of all my running mates would have been that, in an inclusive competition open to all contending lists, the voters who are the members statutory members choose, taking into account the exclusive interests of Guinean Football and elect the future leaders of the Executive Committee of the Guinean Football Federation in complete freedom. That said, the issue of this relaunch of the electoral process goes beyond the simple election of the Executive Committee of the Guinean Football Federation, it should be above our legitimate ambitions due to the fact that it constitutes before long, the last chance which will give us is offered to put us in good standing, to standardize our National Association in accordance with our free international commitments and our voluntary choice of membership in international football bodies.

The only alternative to save our Football today therefore remains the holding of the general assembly on January 6, 2024. Consequently, I humbly allow myself to launch a Call for the mobilization of all on D-DAY. I invite respectfully all statutory members in the sense of responsibilities that they have always practiced, in the spirit of surpassing themselves, in understanding, in reason so that Guinea emerges from this crisis situation which is not beneficial to anyone. I am speaking directly to my elder, my Big Brother Mathurin Bangoura, without an intermediary to solicit the patriotism of the senior executive who served the State in the highest administrative and political functions of our country, of the Sports Director who continues to contribute to the development of our Football, but above all to the Soldier, the Military Leader, the General for whom the Fatherland and his Honor are above all. I would rightly like to recall that my candidacy, which aims to bring together the human and moral resources and values ​​of our football, standing against all forms of rejection and discrimination, extends and greatly opens its arms to all these brothers, sisters, friends and companions feeling bullied, excluded, banished to build together the revival of Guinean Football that we all love. I invite, without distinction, each and everyone to join the candidacy of the gathering of the living forces of Football for a new dynamic which is at work for the good of youth and of everyone.

I know your expectations and I undertake to do everything to meet them. As far as I am concerned, my position is known. I don’t belong to any clan. My determination and my will are intact. I still have the same passion, the same desire to work and work again for the future of Guinean Football. If I am elected, I will work with all those who aim to develop the practice of King Sport in our schools, neighborhoods, districts, villages and towns so that our country, through Football, shines. For the interest of our country, of our youth to whom Football offers important prospects for the future, of our populations so diverse but united around this sport, let us make the Elective General Assembly of next January 6, a national victory without any spirit of triumphalism of anybody. Accept the expression of my frank collaboration.

Abdoul Karim Bangoura AKB

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