Ivan Escobar
Text and photos
“We are like an ear of corn that is found grain by grain every day,” with these words Tata Neto symbolized the unity achieved from the indigenous worldview, during the ceremony of presentation before the sacred fire of 18 Ajq’ijab’ aspirants, who are being trained by the Circle of Mayan Studies of El Salvador.
The ritual took place this Sunday, August 11, at the sacred ceremonial site of Tazumal, in Chalchuapa, Santa Ana, where Nahua-Pipil dancers, tatas and nannies, as well as the general public, participated in the day full of emotion and enthusiasm for the training of new people responsible for continuing the ancestral heritage of grandmothers and grandfathers.
The indigenous community influenced by the Mayan, is an ancestral practice that continues in force, and that lately has given way to the formation of new generations of tatas and nannas, who through study, dedication and experience gained in the territory allows aspirants to work on their spirituality and put it at the service of the community.
Tata Neta, one of those responsible for this weekend’s ceremony and who has been in charge of leading many candidates, highlighted the responsibility assumed by the women and men who have publicly expressed their willingness to continue their training process until the process is concluded and to continue from their positions with humble guidance and, above all, openness to acquiring more knowledge to share with others.
The ceremony
For the ceremonial ritual, on this occasion the altar was prepared with Nahua Pipil influence, in front of the main pyramid of the sacred site Tazumal, which is guarded by the guardian, grandmother Xochil Tanes, who becomes the godmother of this collective in preparation.
Asking permission from the four elements: fire (east); earth (west); wind (north); and water (south) the ceremony began, while the aspirants to Ajq’ijab’ waited to one side in their own preparation before being part of the central ritual.

The sacred fire received the corresponding offerings, incense flooded the place, along with the smell of ocote and storax, among other essences that mixed with the aromas of cocoa, sulfur and other herbs that contributed to relaxing the environment.
Among the tourists at the ceremonial center, who usually attend this space that represents the history of the Mayan influence in the territory of Cuscatlán, this Sunday there were mingled with the tatas and nannas, and attendees at the grand ceremony of presentation of candidates for new authorities.
Once the ceremony was fully underway, the aspirants entered one by one in a row and received the greetings of those present, as well as the grandmothers and grandfathers invoked for the development of the day. Later, in an inner circle, they received guidance from the tatas and nananas present, and placed their corresponding offerings, thus entering into ancestral spirituality, and taking an important step in their training.
At the end of the day, with a hug and greeting from each of those present, the candidates left with the objective of continuing their training and burdened with the responsibility of continuing to walk and learn. “Your journey will depend on you, we hope that you all complete your process and become part of this corncob,” said Tata Neto.
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