Home » Health » Ajou University Develops Technology to Measure Protease Activity Using Pregnancy Diagnosis Kit

Ajou University Develops Technology to Measure Protease Activity Using Pregnancy Diagnosis Kit

<아주대 전경>

Ajou University (President Choi Ki-joo) has developed a technology to measure the activity of protease enzymes using a pregnancy diagnosis kit that is easily available in real life.

Protease, which is involved in the breakdown of proteins, is an indicator of vital phenomena, and the abnormal activity of this enzyme is associated with many types of diseases.

On the 27th, at Ajou University, a joint research team led by Professor Taehyun Yoo and Professor Hyuncheol Yoon (Department of Applied Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering, Graduate School of Molecular Science and Technology) developed a sensor that can measure protease activity and found a way to analyze it through a pregnancy diagnosis kit.

Various phenomena that occur in the human body, such as differentiation, growth, immunity, and infection, are regulated by protease, a protein decomposition enzyme, and abnormal activity of this enzyme can cause various diseases such as cancer, inflammatory diseases, and Alzheimer’s.

In fact, protease is the target of treatments for viral infectious diseases (HIV, hepatitis B and C viruses), and is used to treat and manage various diseases, including as a treatment for hemophilia (factor VIII, factor IX, etc.). .

The Ajou University research team first developed a sensor that can be selectively activated by protease for detection using protein engineering and bioconjugation technology.

In addition, the research team designed human chorionic gonadotropin to be released from the sensor when a specific protease is present, allowing measurement through a pregnancy diagnosis kit. In other words, a way to measure the activity of the target protease was found through a simple method of analyzing a solution mixed with a sample and a sensor using a pregnancy diagnosis kit.

Pregnancy test kits are easy to manufacture, very inexpensive, and consumers can easily purchase them anywhere in their daily lives.

<(가)프로테아제 센서와 이를 이용한 프로테아제 활성. 검출하고자 하는 프로테아제가 존재할 때, 센서로부터 인간 융모성 생식선 자극호르몬이 방출되고 이는 임신진단키트를 통해서 검출할 수 있다. 즉, 프로테아제 활성과 임신진단키트의 신호는 비례한다. (나)프로테아제 활성 측정 절차. 시료와 프로테아제 센서를 혼합한 용액을 임신진단키트에 로딩한다. 이미지 분석을 통해서 정량적인 결과를 얻을 수 있다.>

The Ajou University research team’s sensor was designed and designed so that sensor materials can be easily manufactured depending on the type of protease. The research team reported the results of experiments on three representative proteases (MMP-2, thrombin, and caspase-3) among various proteases.

Professor Taehyun Yoo said, “The sensor material and pregnancy diagnosis kit developed in this study can be manufactured with a simple process,” and added, “We expect that this will lead to the development of a protease diagnosis kit in the future and can be used for the diagnosis and management of various diseases.” .

The content of this research was published in the September issue of ‘Biosensors and Bioelectronics’, a top journal in the field of sensor analysis chemistry, in a paper titled ‘Development of a method for measuring protease activity using a pregnancy diagnosis kit’.

Meanwhile, this research was conducted with support from the Korea Science and Technology Commercialization Agency, the National Research Foundation of Korea, and the Korea Health Industry Development Institute.

Suwon = Reporter Kim Dong-seong [email protected]

2023-09-27 02:44:23

#Ajou #University #develops #rapid #detection #technology #protease #vital #phenomenon #indicator

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