Aizawa has paid a heavy price to maintain his weirdness, demonstrating the courage he possesses.
The terrible fight between the Heroes Association and the League of Villains has taken to unimaginable levelsbecause Tomura Shigaraki has taken control of the situation, bending and surpassing the professional Heroes and company.
During this fierce battle, Aizawa was one of the most affected by Shigaraki, as this was Tomura’s main goal, as this hero’s strangeness is very useful because neutralizes the gifts of his opponentsso this villain gave him an attack which apparently disabled him and his gift.
However, everything seems to indicate that Aizawa has able to maintain its quirkiness but he had to pay a heavy price for it. Next, we tell you the details.
It’s fasting contains spoilers from episode #9 of the sixth season of My Hero Academia.
Aizawa had to pay a heavy price to maintain his weirdness.
Aizawa had to pay a heavy price for his Quirk.
Recent events in My Hero Academia have taken an unexpected turn, as everything indicates that the final battle of the series rests with this villain, who will have his provision for correction the course of the fight.
The battle against Tomura Shigaraki seems to be reaching its climax, as this villain has arrived managed to neutralize and dismantle to multiple heroes who tried to stop him, one of those affected was Aizawa, better known as Eraser-Head.
During this fight, Eraser-Head is fighting with the bad guys, controlling the situation, such as it is one of the key pieces for the heroes to control the battle, as his powerful gift can suppress Shigaraki’s weirdness, which is why the latter used a freak stray bullet to end Aizawa’s gift.
Aizawa is surprised to be hit by the Quirk Eliminating Bullet.
However, Ryukyu notices and warns him, but it’s too late, as this bullet did it hit Aizawa’s legendangering his powerful quirk, as he could lose it to this cheap trick by Shigaraki.
Aizawa reacts quickly by taking his knife and cuts off her leg, preventing this serum from reaching the rest of her body and removing her weirdness, while doing this Eraser-Head has visions of Eri to help him. remind yourself of all that you are protecting and why you have to go forward to stop this war.
Aizawa cut off his leg to avoid losing his quirk.
Shigaraki sees that Aizawa bravely he cut his leg avoiding the path of this serum, gets frustrated and lunges at him managing to gouge out his eye, limiting the range of Eraser-Head’s quirk. However, due to blood loss from the amputation and Tomura’s recent attack, Aizawa was knocked unconscious, this being the perfect opportunity for this villain to control the situation to his advantage.
Since Eraser-Head was neutralized by Tomura Shigaraki, the situation has spiraled out of control, as the latter is exploiting his abilities causing havoc in his path. Tomura is eager to cause a lot of damage, so he wants to use his weirdness and hit the ground replicate mass destruction as in the previous chapters.
However, the current situation has caused a huge frustration in Deku who has awakened an incredible and powerful new strangeness, with which he keeps Shigaraki, preventing him from using his terrible ability and destroying everything in his path, including the heroes who are still on the battlefield.
Deku has awakened the quirk of the seventh user of One For All
This chapter proved that Aizawa has he had to pay a high price to maintain his weirdnesssince he has lost a leg and apparently the vision in one of his eyes, which would make it difficult for him to use his gift normally.
Similarly, this episode also showed the great determination and commitment that he has with his students, as he has done everything in his power to protect them at all times.