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Air conditioning decision for buses in Izmir

Despite the steps towards loosening the corona virus measures, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality decided not to run air conditioners on ESHOT and İZULAŞ buses for a while on the recommendation of the Ministry of Health Science Board. Izmir Metropolitan Mayor Tunç Soyer said that all vehicles are maintained, ready to use, but will not be opened due to the risk of epidemic.


Expressing that he knows the difficulty of traveling without air conditioning in the heat, but this measure should be applied for public health, President Soyer called the Izmir residents: “In line with the decisions of the Ministry of Health, the necessity to use masks and pay attention to social distance continues. Our citizens under the age of 20 and over 65 are still forbidden on the streets. These are the biggest indications that the outbreak is not over yet. Therefore, my greatest request from my fellow citizens is that they do not let go of the measure. If we are not obligatory, let’s not go out; let’s stay home. If this responsibility continues, I know that healthy and beautiful days are near. ”


In Turkey after going to the best in the corona virus outbreaks and some of the measures were decided to be loosened from May 11 shopping centers, cafes and restaurants had opened a barber shop and hair salon with. Regarding this decision, which brings with it discussions, both the Ministry of Health Science Board and the Union of Chambers of Turkish Architects and Engineers (TMMOB) warn that the risk of contamination may increase again, especially due to the operation of air conditioners in closed environments. Noting that it is known that the virus can be transmitted by droplets and that ventilation systems can cause the virus-containing droplets to be transported over long distances, experts emphasize that air conditioners should not be used for a while, especially in crowded shopping malls and public transportation vehicles. It is stated that it is important to open the windows and provide fresh air intake from outside if possible.


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