Cologne (ots) –
On the occasion of World AIDS Day on December 1st, the chairman of the Association of Private Health Insurance (PKV), Thomas Brahm, explains:
“According to the Robert Koch Institute, around 2,200 people in Germany became newly infected with HIV last year – once again more than in the previous year. A total of more than 66,000 people nationwide are living with the HIV virus. HIV and AIDS therefore remain a challenge our society. And that is why we are not letting up in our prevention efforts.
World AIDS Day is an important occasion to raise awareness among the general population that AIDS is still not curable. Solidarity with those affected therefore remains essential. We speak out clearly against stigmatization and discrimination – even more so in times like these, when HIV/AIDS is no longer at the top of the political agenda.
Private health insurance has been committed to the prevention of HIV and AIDS for more than 35 years. We have a particularly close partnership with the German AIDS Foundation, which the PKV Association was involved in founding in 1987. Since then, we have been working together to achieve better living conditions for people with HIV and AIDS.
Together with the German AIDS Foundation, the PKV specifically supports prevention projects run by institutions that are trustworthy contact points for people who are HIV-positive or are particularly at risk of HIV. We want to reach people where they often spend time, i.e. in their health-related living environments. There it is easier to impart knowledge about HIV and sexual health.”
Note: Before World AIDS Day, we spoke to the CEO of the German AIDS Foundation, Anne von Fallois, about the foundation’s tasks and goals as well as current challenges. The video interview can be seen here:
Press contact:
Stefan Reker
– Managing Director –
Head of Communications
Association of Private Health Insurance eV
Heidestraße 40
10557 Berlin
Telephone 030 / 20 45 89 – 44
Fax 030 / 20 45 89 – 33
Email: [email protected]
Original content from: PKV – Association of Private Health Insurance eV, transmitted by news aktuell
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