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aid schemes for business creators and buyers

By emphasizing support (verification of economic viability, sponsorship of a boss), Initiative Périgord promises to be alongside the project leader at all stages. This includes the granting of free honorary loans (without interest and without personal guarantee) intended to strengthen its equity. Objective: leverage with banks that grant bank loans up to eight times higher on average than the loan of honor.

Agricultural projects

Anne Cluzeau-Pédenon also insisted on honor loans for agricultural projects. The goal: to facilitate the installation of candidates who are not eligible for aid in the sector, either by taking over or by creating agricultural or aquaculture activities. This loan (from 5,000 to 20,000 euros over a period of three to seven years) aims to increase equity and facilitate access to bank loans. And to conclude: “In your territory, since 2017, 30 companies have been financed for an amount of 252,000 euros in honorary loans, of which 40% in creation and 30% in takeover, and 66 direct jobs have been created or maintained. . »

Initiative Périgord wishes to get closer to the mayors and Communities of communes given their economic competence which makes it its first interlocutor. President Jérôme Bétaille notes that “a lot of people take care of everything and that people are a little lost, especially since Pôle emploi has been the leading funder of business creation for fifteen years”.


The Board also had to consider for its opinion the capital increase of the Société d’économie mixte d’Équipement du Périgord (Semiper) with a view to creating a departmental property company. This subject has not been decided, the past of Semiper questioning a number of intermunicipal advisers…

Finally, work authorizations relating to the toilets of the school and the Eymet nursing home were approved unanimously.

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