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Aid from the Torrelavega City Council to adapt taxis to eco

Aid from the Torrelavega City Council to adapt taxis to eco

The Torrelavega City Council has promised to subsidize those taxi drivers who want to replace their vehicles with other more ecological ones, whether they are hybrids, electric or fuel cell, through an item that will be enabled in the municipal budget for 2021.

The municipal intention is that these subsidies are not fixed but that they pay the difference between a fuel vehicle and another ecological one of the same make and model, and that they are maintained with a specific item in the following exercises to achieve the transformation of taxis from the city.

The announcement has been made by the Torrelavega Taxi councilor, Borja Sainz Ahumada, to the members of the Besaya Mobility Table with whom he has met to discuss various proposals, the group reported this Friday in a statement.

The Board affirms that the proposed change in the taxi implies “important benefits” for the environment and for the taxi drivers and users themselves, since it improves air quality in the city, by reducing the pollution emitted by the 50 vehicles with which the sector counts.

In addition to this project, the Mobility Table has proposed other actions such as expanding the number of adapted taxis for people with reduced mobility, since there is currently only one, in addition to launching a “taxi on demand” service .

As detailed, this would serve those areas of the municipality where it is very expensive and inefficient for urban transport to arrive, such as the town of La Montaña or the neighborhoods of San Ramón, Emilio Revuelta or Torres Arriba, as well as the village of Viérnoles.

Other initiatives have also been proposed, such as the creation of a Joint Provision Area for the taxi service, in which work is already underway to reach an agreement with the municipalities of Reocín, Polanco and Santillana, without ruling out including Los Corrales as well. of Buelna.

Along with this, there has been talk of creating the so-called “taxi voucher” that would benefit people with reduced mobility or other vulnerable groups such as those over 65 or families with low incomes

Aid from the Torrelavega City Council to adapt taxis to eco

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