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Aid Available for Small Businesses Affected by Floods in New York and New Jersey | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

I return with you to the study.elian: thank you, enjoythose last summer trips.I tell him that the little onesbusinesses have been the mosthit by the pandemic.as they keep fighting forstay afloat, nowthey take another hitwith the floods that it leaveseast.what many do not know is thathelp is available.romy cabral explains theresources at your fingertips and howrequest it.romy: that coronavirus lionmany small businessmen of thetri-state area to a largeeconomic crisis. now thefloods per way have leftyork and new jersey.focused on recovering the littleWhat did you do, many businessmendo not know how to requestMaterial losses.>> we don’t know how to apply or>> it’s a disaster a wastetotal.the pandemic affected us.it feels ugly to see your businessflooded.nicoás and blanca, as we haveinformed in the last ías,the federal government hasallocated resources toyou bring fema, also the2,000,000 dollars.>> with a low interest ofnew, 2,855%.can apply, also withup to 30 years.they can apply on the line.it is very important whenapply that they havedocuments showing thatthey live there.romy: the chambers of commercefrom new york and pierce areallies the.businesses help sene toavailable resources.send recommendations to.>> we recommend you searchan insurance adjuster.will help them claim thesafe.new jersey has a program ofup to $ 5000 for companies ofless than 50 employees of theapplications on 17september in new york sespoke of the last center ofrecovery in a school inthe 200 rent and one kraus,open from Sunday to Saturday from8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m.to access the complete guideresource help byfloods, it only has

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