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AI will go from being a tool for humans to surpassing them

That artificial intelligence (AI) and Big Data is our daily bread, it is a fact. And the third edition of Metafuture I could not stop observing and dealing with the subject from various focuses, always without forgetting the human being himself in the calculations. On this Thursday’s event Atresmedia intervened Britanny Kaiserformer director of business development at Cambridge Analytica, to denounce the company’s practices in the Trump campaign and Brexit. According to the expert, and with journalist Mamen Mendizábal as moderator, she narrated how she came across a harsh reality about how data was used in practice to manipulate citizens’ perceptions in order to influence the results of the elections.

Britanny Kaiser, former director of business development at Cambridge AnalyticaAtresmedia

«Democracy is more in danger than ever. One of the biggest problems I have seen is that in the campaign Trump in 2016 categorized people with lists to see how likely it was to vote for him or Hillary Clinton,” he explained in his dissertation, in which he also assured that “if someone has enough money, they can direct a change in behavior in the population.” But the solution to avoid these interferences is not easy, since he clarified that “many governments have had problemss when they have gone after the technology giants to make them respect the laws. She knows this first-hand, since after reporting this situation she was added to a “black list” that makes it difficult to find work again.

Regarding the emergence of AI in all aspects of life, Chema Alonsohead of Digital at Telefónica, called “the good hacker”, said in his speech “Disinformation in the era of generative AI”, that “humans are not prepared to protect ourselves against disinformation created by AI, because it makes it so plausible.” “We are not able to detect it.” Furthermore, the future does not seem to improve: “The objective of this technology is to surpass humans, not equal them.” In addition, he assured that “the world of AI has entered every corner.” and it is going to get much more involved.”

Chema AlonsoAtresmedia

Since 2010 all companies “Those who do not use the matching learning algorithm are out,” he pointed out, focusing on the level of development and the importance of the data: “Everything is done by algorithms that know everything about you.” Alonso has given some examples of issues related to the use of AI: “Thanks to you we have the latest Indiana Jones movie with a younger Harrison Ford.” Also that “there is already an AI that beats humans at chess” or that ““Gamers use AI to cheat”

One of the highlights of the last day of Metafuturo was the recorded interview with the historian and writer Yuval noah harari, with Ana Pastor, who revealed the biggest fears that AI will bring us. “It has enormous positive potential in fields ranging from health to education,” but it is also important to warn of its drawbacks and “the dangers” it has. And that includes its use by human beings: «You can invent medicines, but in the hands of dictators you could fall into the worst totalitarian regimes, something much more extreme of what we have seen in the 20th century. And there are already examples of its use: “China is experiencing it and my country, Israel, is building a surveillance regime in the occupied Palestinian territories.” If there is any light it will depend on the “political decisions” we make, he concluded.

Joan Jordi Valverdú, CEO at Omnicom Media Group SpainAtresmedia

Joan Jordi Valverdú, CEO of Omnicom Media Group Spain, intervened to ensure that “AI is going to be another companion in our work”, but clarified that despite AI, advertising has absolute ethical control. “We have to contribute to our clients and enhance our talent” because “the challenges are many.” “We travel an average of 200 meters a day on the scroll“, he noted, emphasizing the importance of the advertising sector because it represents “almost 1% of the GDP.” “AI is an ally of advertising and it is only the beginning. AI has been with us for a decade, because it was mathematics. The change is in generative AI and it is already present in the industry. We use it for audience segmentation, for content creation, for automation for tasks that did not provide added value… AI is another companion in the media agency,” he considered about the entry of this technology in the sector.

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