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AI orientation – Companies – Handelsblatt

AI orientation and application possibilities

The use of AI requires further development of the IT and process landscape in companies. Zoi GmbH

Artificial intelligence has the potential to fundamentally transform many tasks. AI can be used in numerous areas to optimize processes and increase efficiency. A key advantage is AI’s ability to analyze huge amounts of data in real time and gain valuable insights from it. This enables companies to respond to customer requests more quickly and precisely and offer personalized solutions.

One example of this is the use of AI-driven chatbots. These are able to answer simple queries around the clock, thus relieving the burden on the customer service team. Machine learning allows these chatbots to be continuously improved and adapted to the specific needs of customers. In conjunction with technologies such as natural language processing (NLP), AI chatbots can even understand and process more complex queries. Another possible application is predicting customer needs. Using data from past interactions and customer behavior, AI can identify trends and thus proactively offer solutions before a problem even arises. This promotes customer satisfaction and keeps customers loyal to the company in the long term.

Technical integration: make or buy?

The decision as to whether companies should develop their own AI solutions or use existing products is not always easy. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages and should therefore be carefully considered. Developing your own AI tools can be particularly useful in areas that are part of the company’s core competence. This can result in tailor-made solutions that are precisely tailored to the company’s specific requirements. This allows you to gain a competitive advantage and extract maximum added value from AI. However, this path is often associated with high costs and a considerable expenditure of resources. In addition, developing and training your own models requires in-depth expertise that not every company can maintain in-house.

On the other hand, there are ready-made AI tools such as ChatGPT from OpenAI, Google Gemini or Microsoft Copilot. These solutions have already been tried and tested and offer the advantage that they are continuously being developed and optimized. They are particularly useful in areas such as finance or marketing, where they can be implemented quickly and efficiently without the company itself having to delve deeply into the technology. This not only saves time and resources, but also allows internal capacities to be focused on other important tasks. A hybrid approach that combines elements of both strategies can be a good solution. An informed decision about which path is the right one is often only made in cooperation with an experienced technology consultancy. This can not only help with selecting the right technology, but also support integration and change management.

Zoi: future-proof AI solutions with added value

Anyone who can provide answers to these four key aspects has successfully laid the foundations for the use of AI. Zoi GmbH

One company that specializes in the successful implementation of AI solutions is Zoi. As an experienced partner that has been awarded the Data & AI Solution Designation by the cloud provider Microsoft Azure, Zoi supports international customers in the manufacturing, retail and healthcare sectors in planning and successfully implementing AI projects. Zoi first identifies the appropriate application areas for AI that bring the greatest added value, such as the automation of routine queries or the personalization of customer interactions.

What makes Zoi special is the systematic approach it takes to integrate AI into the company’s strategy. It always makes sure that the implementation of AI is in line with the company’s strategic goals. This prevents AI from being used as an isolated tool that delivers impressive results but does not contribute to the company’s overall value creation.

A fundamental component of Zoi’s approach is the orientation towards the four essential aspects of a successful AI implementation: application areas, technical integration, adoption and alignment & governance. Adoption refers to the successful integration of employees into the change process. Alignment & governance, on the other hand, ensure that the introduction of the technology is controlled and compliant.

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