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AI Adoption in SMEs: Towards Operational Excellence and Marketing Efficiency

What if AI enabled SMEs to move towards operational excellence? The craze for technology is not waning, according to a recent study led by the Constant Contact automation platform, in partnership with the Ascend2 expertise firm.

70% of marketers are ready to break the bank for AI

Constant Contact’s study of 500 SMEs (less than 250 employees) explains that 70% of MarTech buyers are willing to invest more in an AI-powered marketing solution. This enthusiasm makes SMEs a prime target for publishers, especially when we know that barely one in four SMEs has already integrated an AI solution into their ecosystem.

The report also highlights an alignment between SME marketing professionals and their management on the relevance of technology. Indeed, no less than 74% of SMEs recognize the potential importance of AI, and 55% believe that their interest in it has increased over the last six months, undoubtedly echoing the flashes from OpenAI .

However, a point of vigilance remains for publishers, because almost half (46%) of marketing managers working within SMEs admit to not being fully informed about the benefits of technology.

SMEs and AI, or the quest for operational optimization

Still according to Constant Contact, 60% of SMEs that have integrated AI into their marketing strategies report a substantial improvement in their operational efficiency. They evoke an optimization of time, but also an improvement in marketing performance. In detail, one in three SMEs estimates that they have saved more than 40 minutes per week thanks to AI.

If we are flawless on the operational aspect, SMEs do not hide some reluctance, particularly on the aspect of data security as well as the learning curve associated with the adoption and mastery of data tools. ‘AI.

2023-09-11 10:45:36
#SMEs #marketers #pay #tools

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