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Ahn Cheol-soo and Geum Tae-seop meet on the 4th…野 Operation of unified working-level negotiations

“The working team may go in the direction of concrete discussion
Discuss how to unify, point of view, debate, secure middle class, etc.

-National Assembly Representative Ahn Chul-soo and former lawmaker Tae-seop Geum met at the National Assembly on the afternoon of the 4th to discuss how to unify the opposition.

Earlier on the 3rd, CEO Ahn accepted the two-stage unification plan of unification with the final candidate of the people’s power after the unification of the pan-opposition competition proposed by former lawmaker Geum on the 3rd. As consensus on the’unification of the third zone’ has been achieved, practical discussions are expected to be conducted on specific methods and timing.

In a call with Newsis, an official from the former lawmaker said, “It is correct to meet,” and “(For details), it seems that the two will have to meet once. After the two talked, the working-level team may go in the direction of discussing concretely.”

Representative Ahn agrees with the unifying purpose of judging the Moon Jae-in regime and laying a bridgehead for regime change under the condition of unifying pan-opposition ▲Respecting the spirit of the constitution, the rule of law, and the common sense of the people, and pledges to rectify the crumbling justice and fairness ▲The contest process Promises to compete with policy and vision without making any negative or personal slander in the event ▲Preliminary candidates who participated in the unification clearly surrender to the result and publicly declare the support of the unified candidate ▲The candidate in the first unified contest He proposed five principles, including the unification of the pan-opposition candidate through the second round of unification with the People’s Power Candidate. Accordingly, at a press conference, Rep. Geum Jeon said, “Welcome to Representative Ahn, who accepted the decision. Before the Lunar New Year holidays, the two suggested a discussion with Ahn before the Lunar New Year holidays. The two plan to discuss the specific method and timing of unification, such as public opinion polls, before the Lunar New Year holidays, and strategies for securing the middle class. At the press conference on the 2nd, “Let’s discuss it at least once before the New Year. In order to give the citizens of Seoul enough materials to choose from, there must be many opportunities to discuss or talk. “I will not be restricted by the format, whether the format is an end-to-end discussion or a broadcast invitation discussion.”

He added, “(Pointing out about the poll method), there is an unavoidable aspect when unifying in a short period of time. “I have no intention of insisting on a specific method. I will accept a rational method rather than a special method, so I will tell you to meet and discuss it soon.”


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