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Ahmed Rizk on Success and Controversy in Ramadan Series “Beit Al-Rifai”

Cairo: Noura Hassan

Success, in the opinion of the artist Ahmed Rizk, is finding himself in the roles that he presents, and reaching directly to his audience, which is what he felt in his choices, the most recent of which is the character “Farouk” that he presented in the series “Beit Al-Rifai”, which achieved remarkable success during Ramadan.

Despite the great reactions to the character of “Farouk,” and the audience’s hatred for it because of its evil, it made him very happy, due to his success in presenting it, and the audience’s appreciation for his performance and his ability to diversify between embodying good and evil, and even in the diversity of performance and its difference between each evil character he embodies, and his distinctive performance. About his character in the Ramadan series “Beit Al-Rifai”, his dramatic presence and his cinematic and theatrical absence, this was an interview with Ahmed Rizk.

* Can angry reactions from the audience please the artist?

– This depends on the character that the artist presents. If the audience hates it, then this is certainly an important sign of his success in presenting it, and that it reached the audience and made them hate it, but in the end the audience is very smart and aware, and can differentiate between the artist and his characters, and even appreciates the effort that is made. He did his best to reach this level of credibility.

* From this standpoint, how did you receive reactions to the character “Farouk” in “Beit Al-Rifai”?

– I had different and contradictory feelings, between happiness, anxiety, and fear, but I realize that they are temporary. I do not deny that I was afraid to face the audience directly while the series was showing, and its angry reactions from “Farouk,” but at the same time I was very happy to the extreme, with the audience’s reaction to this. Destiny with character; Because it is definitely evidence of success, whether on the street or on social media.

* What initially motivated you to accept Farouk’s offer?

The beginning was through a call with the wonderful director Ahmed Nader Galal, and he told me that he wanted me to play a very important character, rich in its details, and that his evil would provoke me to present it. Indeed, as soon as I read the work, I felt that I found in it what I was looking for among all the people presented to me. Scenarios, and I rejected them all for the sake of “Farouk”.

* What did you find different and provoked you about “Farouk”?

– The character itself, not just that he is an evil person, but rather its details, its composition, and the motives for this evil that appears in it since the first episode, in addition to the fact that the role is rich in its details, whether its internal composition, its formal characteristics, and the tone of its voice.

* How did you prepare for the character to emerge as you found it on paper?

– In the beginning, it was through the scenario written in a very distinctive way, then there were lengthy sessions with director Ahmed Nader Galal, so that I could understand the details and formation of the character and find out all its details, and its motives in all its actions, because it is important that I be convinced first, so that I can convince The audience, and from this standpoint, I began working on the character with the help of the “stylists,” choosing her clothes, features, and the beard that she grew over a period of three months.

* I worked on the character’s motivations, psychology, and features, but why was the voice changed?

– After going into the details of the character and its features, I felt that it needed a very special voice pitch, but the surprising thing is that it only came out during filming when I was in the shape and composition of “Farouk.”

* Among the personal details, was it necessary to lose weight?

– No, this matter is far from personal. It is an issue of losing weight that I have been working on for several years, in order to maintain my health, even though my obesity was the reason for my first steps of success.

  • Second floors

* After a long and important stage of absolute championships, you suddenly headed to the second rounds. Does this worry you?

– Not at all. Praise be to God, I have achieved great successes in it, and I no longer care about being the hero as much as the role that provokes me and I embody it well.

*Does the idea of ​​competing within Ramadan businesses concern you?

Competition exists all the time, not just during Ramadan, and for the benefit of the public.

*Do you care about social media and what is called “trend”?

– Not at all; Because I am convinced that a large part of what is happening in this virtual reality is not real, because some resort to buying “trends” to increase the number of followers and viewers.

* Speaking of theatre, why are you away from it?

– I love theater, but unfortunately it is in a state of stagnation, and I hope to find work that encourages me to return to it.

* What about cinema? Your most recent film, “200 Pounds,” was three years ago?

– For me, cinema is a special love, and I hope that the return will be soon.

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