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Ahmed Al Hosani to release new album “Keda Mish Sweet” featuring diverse dialects and musical styles

Tamer Abdel Hamid (Abu Dhabi)

Musician and artist Ahmed Al Hosani revealed that he is preparing to release a new album entitled “Keda Mish Sweet,” noting that he performs in different dialects in the album, as it includes two songs in the Gulf, 4 songs in Egyptian, two songs in Lebanese, and 3 songs in Iraqi, pointing out that the album is considered a shift in his artistic career. Especially since he performed a variety of songs in order to satisfy different tastes, and at the same time show his capabilities in different dialects, far from the classical operatic music that he is known for performing.
An exceptional party
Al Hosani expressed his happiness at performing a concert in Umm Al Emarat Park in Abu Dhabi, accompanied by the orchestra and led by the artist Ahmed Abdel Sattar, which was held under the auspices of the Abu Dhabi Festival and in cooperation with the Abu Dhabi Music and Arts Foundation, noting that it was an exceptional concert in which he sang the most wonderful musical and classical Arabic works, with which the attendees interacted in a wonderful way. Kabir, declaring that he is preparing for an artistic tour with a classical nature inside and outside the Emirates, which includes America, France, and Egypt.
A desired dream
Al Hosani won the award for the best emerging Arab artist in the Middle East, at the BFL Awards in its tenth session, which was held in Dubai. He expressed his happiness at obtaining this title, and said: Receiving this award is an incentive to provide the best, and to insist on continuing to strive. And striving to achieve the desired dream, to be the first professional classical Emirati artist to reach the international level, hoping to be the best ambassador for the Emirates in local and foreign artistic forums.
A comprehensive artist
Al Hosani, who holds the title of Middle East and North Africa Ambassador for the Old School of Opera Singing in Italy, explained that his selection to receive this award came in accordance with precise artistic standards adopted by the BFL administration to select the artists who won the title for the year 2023, by the evaluation committee consisting of 8. International arbitrators in various fields, including the musical achievements carried out during the year, academic background, unique artistic identity, and display of talent and presence in more than one field, so that the musician is called the “comprehensive artist.”
“The hardest wound”
Ahmed Al Hosani indicated that he recently released some single songs, including a Lebanese song entitled “The Intention Goes”, composed by Ammar Al Sayed, and lyrics by Yara Khabbaz, and it met with great success on social networking sites, in addition to another collaboration in a duet song with Fella Al Jazairia, entitled “The Hardest “Jarh”, composed by Thaer Hazem, and written by Amir Al Tamimi.
Patriotic song
Al Hosani revealed that he is currently preparing to prepare a new patriotic duet-style song in which he will collaborate with the Iraqi artist Muhammad Abdul Jabbar.

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