Home » today » Health » Ahead of Eid, a Rare Sky Phenomenon, the Peak of the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, Seen close together at Suhoor

Ahead of Eid, a Rare Sky Phenomenon, the Peak of the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, Seen close together at Suhoor

KILASCIMAHI – A rare sky phenomenon occurs ahead of Eid 2022, the peak conjunction planet Venus and Jupiter seen in the closest position in recent years.

Rare sky phenomenon conjunction planet Venus looks close to Jupiter This can be seen this morning, May 1, 2022.

From KilasCimahi.com’s observations, conjunction Planet Venus with Planet Jupiter occurred at 03.15 WIB. Planet Venus looks close to the planet Jupiter. Planet Venus looks brighter than the planets Jupiter.

Many netizens also share rare sky phenomenon planet Venus and Jupiter seen this close through his instagram account.

Venus and Jupiter approach each other, to ‘eid’,” said the account @jikoekosupriyanto as quoted by KilasCimahi.com, Sunday, May 1, 2022.

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”Moment Venus & Jupiter conjunction in the eastern horizon. This morning I pray that all sins are forgiven, all longing to be met, all sorry words are linked, I’m sorry I’m sorry for you, sorry for the people who have been present in my life,
both inner and outer spoken. Amen,”said @ernarewa.

Existence rare sky phenomenon it’s been announced
three days ago by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) via the Instagram account @lapan_ri

”Towards Eid later there will be an astronomical phenomenon Peak Conjunction VenusJupiter,”explained the post @lapan_ri.

Sunday 1 May 2022 before Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri, Venus conjunction with Jupiter with a separation angle of 14 arc minutes.

This phenomenon can be witnessed in the east direction when eating sahur at 03.30 local time until 25 minutes before sunrise.

Also Read: Prayers and Intentions to Take a Mandatory Bath Before Eid Prayer on Eid Al-Fitr, Complete with Arabic Translation

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