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Ah Mo fell back from a height and was injured again.

[Aithisg Naidheachd Yahoo]Dancer Li Qiyan (Ah Mo), who was seriously injured in an accident at the MIRROR concert, is still receiving treatment at the Chinese University Hospital. His girlfriend So Ching revealed on IG story today (11th) that Ah Mo’s tall body suddenly fell back from a height because he did not check again if the safety buckle on the crane rod was attached fortunately, the point of impact was on the wheelie bar arm, otherwise his neck and head might have sustained secondary injuries.

So Ching revealed on the IG story that Ah Mo’s tall body recently, due to the negligence of medical staff, suddenly fell back from a height because he did not check again whether the safety buckle was on the mast rod attached.

The Chinese University Hospital of Hong Kong responded to the “Yahoo News” inquiry and confirmed that when a patient at the hospital was using a mobility device in the ward earlier, he lost his balance because one of the hooks was unstable Nurses on site and the patient’s caregivers immediately assisted the patient and At the same time, the hook is securely attached, and two other nurses join to help move the patient safely to the the bed The hospital said it was deeply concerned about the incident and again reminded medical staff to use equipment carefully to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

So Ching also mentioned in the story that small mistakes have happened in the past, but this incident will directly affect Ah Moan’s recovery, so he can’t understand it and needs the hospital and appropriate responsible people to face the problem. So Ching continued to point out that he understands that medical workers have to deal with big and small issues every day, and he emphasizes that every situation, every action and all important decisions they should treat their work seriously and professionally, asking the hospital and relevant responsible people to face the problem and review and guarantee that similar incidents will not happen a- again. She urged the hospital and relevant people responsible to face up and review the problem, and promise that similar incidents will not happen again “I hope everyone can take one step take more and think more so that life is happy, secure, and smooth.”

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