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Agrodron integrates mapping and spraying with drones in a single service

Jose Alejandro Otero Noriegafounder of Max Dron and Agrodron, pioneering companies in this field, explains how this technology is changing the way farms and crops are managed in the country. The former started in Venezuela 12 years ago to offer specialized drones and train pilots, and has been in Colombia for 8 years.

For its part, Agrodron offers specialized services that Combine mapping and spraying drones to optimize livestock operations. According to Otero, Agrodron uses two main types of drones for its services: the mapping drone and the spraying drone, with this proposal of both products in a single package being the differential compared to competitors.

«We use two types of drones and different brands, but the two main drones to be able to offer the service are the mapping drone, which is a drone that fits in the palm of a hand and can lift up to 200 hectares every hourand the spraying drone that can cover up to ten hectares per hour“, he explained.

The service begins with a detailed mapping of the farm using the smallest drone equipped with a multispectral camera, which allows analyzing the pasture health (showing colors that indicate nutrient levels and helping to determine areas that need fertilization), define boundaries y planning pasture rotationThis initial mapping is provided free of charge with the spraying service.

Drone spraying represents a significant advance in efficiency. Otero points out that One hectare can be treated in just five minutes.compared to a day of manual labor. This not only saves time but also allows for more precise application of fertilizers and weed control. (Read on Livestock context: (Video) Colombian rancher uses drone to ‘herd’ cattle. How did he do it?)

Focus on sustainability and dignifying human work

A crucial aspect of this service is its focus on sustainability. Drone technology allows for more precise application of chemicals, reducing their overall use and improving the quality of pasture and crops. This results in a more profitable and environmentally responsible productioncontributing to the sustainability of operations.

Otero also said that drone technology not only improves production processes, but also complements human work, especially in areas where drones cannot operate: “The way we are doing it is not from displacing a job, but from dignify and technicalize the work of the day laborer who is in the field».

The company not only offers services, but also seeks promote rural developmentOtero highlights the importance of involving the new generations in these technologies, offering opportunities for young people to train as drone pilots and in modern agricultural management. This could help address the problem of labour shortages in the countryside and the rural exodus of young people.

The cost of the drone spraying service is around between $60,000 and $70,000 per hectarewhich includes the initial mapping (unlike other companies that offer it separately). Additional services (such as a more detailed map) can cost between $30,000 and $40,000 pesos, depending on the specific needs of the producer.

Although Agrodron operates mainly in the Caribbean region, serving various types of crops and large livestock farmsOtero envisions a future where they have national coverage, helping to create a detailed map of Colombian agriculture and livestock. (Read in Livestock context: Drones: Their contribution to building a better agricultural sector)

His vision goes beyond business profit, seeking to improve the lives of producers and make the countryside more profitable and attractive for new generations.Our dream is to have operational coverage in every department of Colombiabeing able to make predictions to make the field more profitable and above all easier,” he concluded.

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