Home » today » News » Agricultural manufacturing within the EU has change into cheaper on common by 6%, and in Bulgaria by 18% – 2024-06-27 06:50:13

Agricultural manufacturing within the EU has change into cheaper on common by 6%, and in Bulgaria by 18% – 2024-06-27 06:50:13

In Greece, the route of costs is the alternative – plus 20 %

Within the first quarter of 2024 costs of agricultural merchandise V EU for each output and non-investment-related uncooked supplies fell, Eurostat mentioned. The common value of agricultural output fell by 6% within the first quarter of 2024 in comparison with the identical quarter in 2023. Throughout this similar time interval, the common value of products and providers at present utilized in agriculture (non- investments), decreased by 11%.

After a spot interval when there was a pointy improve in agricultural costs in 2021 and the primary 3 quarters of 2022, the speed of development slowed after which costs began to say no. Latest declines in farm output and enter prices are within the route of extra relaxed pre-crash ranges.

Adjustments within the costs of many agricultural merchandise within the first quarter of 2024 have been assorted and contrasting. A very sharp decline was noticed within the common value of cereals, which decreased by 28%. The worth of milk decreased by 12%, that of eggs and technical crops (oil, protein crops, uncooked tobacco, sugar beet and others) decreased by 10% and that of contemporary greens by 6% (inside which there’s a very sharp a 33% drop within the value of tomatoes).

In distinction, the common value of potatoes elevated by 22% and that of contemporary fruit by 20% (regardless of a pointy lower of 44% within the value of lemons and limes), partly in response to the anticipated impression of opposed climate situations on harvested portions.

Amongst non-investment-related commodities, the steepest value declines have been reported for fertilizers and soil improvers (-31%), animal feed (-16%) and vitality and lubricants (-12%) .

Quarterly decline in costs in most EU international locations

On the nationwide stage, a lot of the EU international locations (21 out of 25 with accessible information) recorded a lower within the costs of agricultural merchandise within the first quarter of 2024 in comparison with the identical quarter of 2023. The sharpest value drop was in Hungary (- 24%), Bulgaria and Romania (each -18%), and Slovakia and the Czech Republic (each -17%).

In distinction, costs elevated in 5 southern EU international locations; they grew most sharply in Greece (+20%), with extra modest will increase recorded in Malta and Spain (+4%) and Portugal and Cyprus (+1%).

When it comes to non-investment inputs (corresponding to vitality, fertilizers or feed), 24 out of 25 EU international locations with accessible information recorded a decline within the first quarter of 2024 in comparison with the primary quarter of 2023. The sharpest share declines have been in Croatia (-20%), Hungary (-19%) and the Netherlands and Eire (each -17%). Portugal was the one EU nation to see a rise (+2%).

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