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Agricultural insurance to protect farms

Unicaja Bank offers farmers and ranchers from Salamanca agricultural insurance and damage insurance, designed to protect and guarantee the production and facilities of their farms. Within the framework of the agreement it has with Caser, the entity makes available to its clients, and those interested in hiring them, the Combined Agricultural Insurance (Agroseguro) and the Agrocaser Insurance for Agricultural Operations. The entity offers to finance the payment of both insurance premiums at 0% interest.

The Combined Agricultural Insurance offers all the coverage and benefits that a farm needs, with the advantages that the client can choose the degree of protection they need, as well as benefit from a direct discount on the policy as it is an insurance with state subsidy and a payment adapted to your needs.

The Agrocaser Insurance for Agricultural Operations offers extensive coverage to guarantee the protection of farms and production: fire, theft, civil liability derived from animals, loss of profits, machinery breakdown, damage and theft of property in the field, death caused due to certain accidental risks (fire, attacks by animals or feral dogs, drowning, etc.), theft of livestock, and other optional coverage to choose from. Likewise, the insurance offers to cover the insured’s home within the farm.

Those interested can contact the entity’s offices, preferably by telephone and / or telematics or by requesting a prior appointment.

Sustainable pension plan

Unicaja Banco and Grupo Santalucía have launched their first sustainable pension plan, Uniplan Futuro Sostenible, which constitutes an alternative financial investment whose profitability objectives are aligned with sustainable values. This plan will be managed by Unicorp Vida and marketed by Unimediación SL through Unicaja Banco, and will mostly invest in assets that promote sustainable investments and pursue compliance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: climate change and inequality. , the promotion of innovation, sustainable consumption or peace and justice, among others

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