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Agrève – A new president for the Moze hospital

Clean up the finances to engage the care establishment in its restructuring. This is one of Éliane Wauquiez-Motte’s main missions.

It is a return to the fore for a figure in local politics. Thursday, April 14, the members of the Moze association (structure of law 1901 which manages the hospital of Saint-Agrève) elected Éliane Wauquiez-Motte, interim president. Following this vote, the former president, Yasmina Ali, becomes vice-president. This reorganization comes at a time when the establishment is embarking on a renovation, an extension of its buildings and a complete overhaul of its healthcare offer, which the players hope to complete by 2027. “The Board of Directors has made the most relevant choice for the future of the hospitalsaid Eliane Wauquiez-Motte. Its objective is to pacify relations with all the private and public stakeholders involved in the future of the Moze hospital. Asked by the board of directors to act as interim president, I agreed to put myself at the service of our hospital structure, whose finances must be cleaned up as quickly as possible to ensure its sustainability. I am aware of the extreme difficulty of the situation, but with the help of the board of directors, we are going to work on the hospital development project in conjunction with the Regional Health Agency, with regard to financial means. , that we can mobilize and partnerships that we could consider”.

The new elected will be able to count on the support, within the office, of Norbert Exbrayat, treasurer, Marie-Hélène Riocreux, assistant treasurer, Marie-Christine Pizot, secretary and Dominique Noir, assistant secretary. Very attached to this local hospital, Eliane Wauquiez-Motte is far from being an unknown in the Vivarais-Lignon plateau. On the Ardèche side, she was elected municipal councilor of Devesset in 2001, before becoming, on the Haute-Loire side, mayor of Chambon-sur-Lignon between 2008 and 2020. “For almost twenty years, I put myself at the service of the population, and my wish, today, is that the hospital of Moze finds a real local influence”, she concludes. In terms of commitment to local politics, she followed up on the ideas of her son, Laurent Wauquiez, whose career as mayor of Puy-en-Velay and president of the Auvergne Region is well known. -Rhône-Alpes, also one of the financial partners for the renovation of the Moze hospital. To be continued.

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