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Agreement with left-wing opposition: less rent increase, 450 million for liveable neighborhoods

The cabinet has adjusted the housing plans for 2021. The rent increase in the free sector is limited to the inflation percentage plus 1 percent on top. 450 million euros will also be released for making liveable neighborhoods more sustainable and single people will have easier access to social housing.

The opposition parties PvdA and GroenLinks have reached a final agreement with the ministers Ollongren van Wonen and Hoekstra of Finance, sources report to the NOS. Today the Council of Ministers is discussing the deal.

Ollongren and Hoekstra went in September already looking for support with the left-wing parties to get the housing budget through the House of Representatives and the Senate. The cabinet does not have a majority in the Senate. So the two ministers decided to look around in the House of Representatives for opposition parties that could increase support for the housing plans and prevent problems in the Senate.

Off the table

PvdA leader Asscher and GroenLinks leader Klaver have held various discussions with the two ministers. But the conversations did not always run smoothly. The two sides wanted something in return for their support.

The planned rent increase in the free sector of 2.5 percent plus inflation, for example, had to be dropped. A lot of money also had to be spent on tackling vulnerable neighborhoods and the adjustment of the income limit for social rental housing had to be done away with.

This adjustment of the income threshold made it very difficult for single people to get social housing, was the fear of the opposition. There was talk of a ‘single punishment’. It has now been deleted.

On Monday the House of Representatives will discuss the housing budget.

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