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Agreement in the collective bargaining dispute: Public sector employees receive a corona bonus of 1,300 euros

Agreement in the collective bargaining dispute

Public service employees receive a corona bonus of 1,300 euros

Video: Brandenburg Aktuell | 11/29/2021 | T. Bittner / S. Teistler / A. king | Image: dpa / Britta Pederse

The unions had put pressure on with warning strikes at university hospitals, administrations and schools. They demanded significantly more money in the public service of the federal states. Now there is an agreement.

More than one million public sector employees in the federal states will receive 2.8 percent more money from December 2022 and a tax-free and duty-free corona special payment of 1,300 euros by next March at the latest.

The unions and the collective bargaining community of the federal states (TdL) agreed on this as an employer on Monday in Potsdam. To several warning strikes in the past few weeks are further outstanding issues off the table.

Apprentices, interns and students also benefit

The salaries of apprentices, interns and students in the public service of the federal states will increase by 50 euros in December and by 70 euros in the health sector. The collective bargaining agreement has a term of 24 months and provides, among other things, that takeover rules for trainees come into force again.

According to the union, it concerns employees, for example in state authorities, university clinics, schools, daycare centers, the police and fire brigade, road maintenance services, forestry or waste disposal companies. There are also around 1.4 million civil servants and around one million pension recipients, for example retirees, to whom the qualification is to be transferred.

Werneke speaks of laborious negotiations

Both sides had negotiated all weekend in Potsdam, but initially no common solution was found. The negotiations were tedious and extremely difficult, said Verdi boss Frank Werneke. One is not completely satisfied with the salary increase. The one-off payment of 1,300 euros will have a strong impact. It is a “largely respectable result”.

The deal brings “noticeable improvements in income,” said Werneke, above all for employees in the public health system. According to the result of the negotiations, the so-called intensive and infection allowance for nurses in hospitals will also increase to 150 euros. As a result, according to Verdi, an intensive care worker receives a total of 230 euros more per month – in addition to the one-off payment of 1,300 euros.

The negotiator of the federal states, Lower Saxony’s finance minister Reinhold Hilbers (CDU), spoke of a balanced and good result that cost the federal states 2.2 billion euros. Everyone involved has shown responsibility. “If it hurts both sides, it’s usually a good compromise.” The generous Corona bonus should express appreciation and recognition.

Verdi originally asked for five percent more

The Verdi union and the DBB civil servants’ association entered this collective bargaining round in late summer with the demand for a wage increase of five percent, but at least 150 euros more per month. Verdi and the DBB civil servants’ association had demanded an increase of 300 euros for employees in the health sector. The demands were justified with the increased consumer prices and the special burdens for employees in the corona pandemic.

The federal states as employers had described the demands as unrealistic and pointed to the high pandemic-related expenditure to support the health care system, the economy and the municipalities. The union demands would therefore result in additional spending of around 7.5 billion euros.

Warning strikes increased the pressure

In two rounds of negotiations, the two sides initially failed to come any closer. In the past few weeks, in the midst of the aggravated corona situation, the unions had increased the pressure with warning strikes, including at university hospitals. Employees at daycare centers and schools, in police departments and in administrations also went on strike.

With the exception of Hesse, the federal states negotiate jointly in the collective bargaining community of the federal states. Hessen has not been a member since 2004 and is negotiating separately.

Broadcast: Brandenburg aktuell, 11/29/2021, 7:30 p.m.

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