Tatyana Lyutaeva and Agniya Ditkovskite
Today, May 11, the actress, beauty Agniya Ditkovskite turns 35 years old. Tatyana Lyutaeva’s daughter began her acting career and personal life early – at the age of 17, making her debut in the film “Heat” and having an affair there with partner Alexei Chadov.
Today, Agnia has 40 main roles in films, five in the theater, TV shows, her own programs, and three more children. Despite the fact that she is a star, she did not have big roles, like her mother Tatyana Lyutaeva. However, now everything can change, and the role of the Moon in Tatiana Lyutaeva’s debut film “Unit of Montevideo” can become such a role. The premiere took place at the Moscow Film Festival, and Agnia received high marks from the jury.
we note that Agnia does not have an acting education, and so far she is hardly able to transform into antipode heroines.
Luna is a traumatized girl who grew up without parents, nervous, prickly, unstable and … a drug addict. Her father, once a talented surgeon (Aleksey Serebryakov) served time in prison for the murder of his wife, mother Luna (Ksenia Rappoport), went blind. During his absence, Luna became addicted to illegal substances. She hates her father fiercely and wishes him dead.
The feeling of hatred for a man in the family is familiar to Agnia since childhood. From the age of ten to 17, she lived with her stepfather Rokas Ramanauskas. Tatyana Lyutaeva divorced Agnia’s father, director Olegas Ditkovskis, and became the wife of the heir to a well-known acting dynasty in the Baltics (Rokas’ father Romualdes Ramanauskas is known for his role in the TV series Long Darling in the Dunes, and his mother is Lithuanian People’s Artist Egle Gabrenaite). In the program “History of the Wife”, Agniya Ditkovskite admitted her dislike for her stepfather:
I refused to accept my mother’s new husband. I have a father, whom I loved and love very much. The rejection of Rokas reached the point that I threw pots at him, threw furniture.
The moon also throws objects, but already at her own father, who is also blind – the hero Alexei Serebryakov. Tatyana Lyutaeva is not only the director of the film, but also a screenwriter. She herself does not act in her film. They say that Lyutaeva chose Serebryakov and Rappoport when she saw the play “Einstein and Margarita”, and realized that these actors would play husband and wife in her debut.
Curiously, Agnia started acting as Luna when she was expecting her third child. The scenes were heavy. However, Agnia is no stranger to extreme sports. In an interview with EG, the actress spoke about how she herself performed dangerous stunts and crashed on the set:
– In the series “A Matter of Honor”, my heroine was severely beaten – you see fresh bruises and abrasions on my legs. Bandits attacked her (me), and the hero of Alexei Chadov helped her survive. And in the movie “Toy Salesman” she herself fell into a ravine from a great height. I really wanted to impress my partner, the great Pierre Richard.
At the same time, the actress says that she has enough adrenaline in life, and she does not chase him.
– I feel very good on Earth, and I don’t need any extreme sports. I am home, family. I like to cook, read books, – Agnia explained to EG.
But the first husband of Agnia Alexei Chadov is a man of a different warehouse. He is constantly looking for adventure and certainly loves risk. Now he is finally happy with a girl very similar to Agnia – Leysan Galimova. With her, he goes to the mountains, hiking. With Agnia continues to be on good terms. True, she criticizes her method of raising her common son Fedor.
– Agnia and especially our grandmother Tatyana Lyutaeva pamper Fedya. Lisping with him. This is not the way to raise boys. I tell them about it all the time. But it’s all useless,” Alexei admitted.
Tatyana Lyutaeva believes that children should be pampered, supported in everything and said that they are the most beautiful.
Yes, my kids are the best. My mother considered me “ordinary” and thus endowed me with complexes. I understand that she didn’t want me to become proud, but it’s not right not to accept me, ”Tatyana Lyutaeva shared with Kira Proshutinskaya.
The actress has done and is doing a lot for her children. Her children come first. Perhaps Tatyana Lyutaeva also became a director in order to give her daughter roles worthy of her talent. Or maybe in order to prove to her two husbands, professional directors Olegas Ditkovskis and Rokas Ramanauskas, that she herself is a director.
– My husbands did not see in me a great acting talent. Didn’t work with me. The second husband staged a performance with me only once, yes, and then not with me anymore, but with his mother, the actress Egle Gabrenaite … They didn’t really want to stage or shoot. They lay more on the couch and philosophized, ”Tatiana said in the program“ The History of the Wife ”.
But Agnia Ditkovskite married very well. Her husband, restaurateur Bogdan Panchenko, is a wealthy man and a good father. At the premiere of the film “Montevideo Unit”, Agnia, without a drop of embarrassment, confessed her love to her husband right from the stage.
“EG” congratulates the worthy daughter of his mother Agniya Ditkovskite on her anniversary and wishes great personal happiness and wonderful roles.