Home » today » Entertainment » Agnieszka W³odarczyk showed a dress for her brother’s wedding. However, she is not sure if she should appear there

Agnieszka W³odarczyk showed a dress for her brother’s wedding. However, she is not sure if she should appear there

You can read more about Agnieszka Włodarczyk on the website Gazeta.pl

Agnieszka Włodarczyk recently informed fans about an unpleasant incident. Star “13th post“she lost consciousness in the bathroom and suffered facial injuries as a result of a fall. Everything happened a few days before the important event.

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The wedding of Agnieszka Włodarczyk’s brother is approaching. It is not known if the star will appear at the party

It is about brother Włodarczyk’s wedding, which is soon to take place in Sicily. The artist has already received a creation ordered for a family holiday. Agnieszka praised herself sukienk± on Instagram, but with sadness additionthat she does not know yet if she will be able to appear in it soon.

The situation is quite difficult … We were supposed to fly to Sicily on Tuesday for my brother’s wedding. The dress has already arrived. But I don’t know whether to fly in this state.

It turns out that not all is lost yet. This Monday, Robert Karaś’s partner is to go for a follow-up visit. Then he has to get the final answer from the doctor.

I still give myself time to decide. We’ll see what the doctor says on Monday.

Agnieszka Włodarczyk Instagram, @agnieszkawlodarczykofficial

Agnieszka Włodarczyk Instagram, @agnieszkawlodarczykofficial

Agnieszka Włodarczyk fainted in the bathroom. “I don’t know what was the reason”

Agnieszka Włodarczyk described the story of fainting in the bathroom meticulously in social media. According to these reports, the star woke up in a pool of blood. An ambulance was called by her partner, and already in the medical facility it turned out that the actress had a broken nose, an operation was necessary. Unfortunately, it is not known yet what caused the fainting.

There was a tomography, X-ray, blood tests and ultrasound of the abdomen. I was given a drip, and I was given an antibiotic for the leaves … I still don’t know what caused the fainting.

Let’s hope that Agnieszka Włodarczyk will quickly recover and will appear at the wedding of her beloved brother.

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