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Aggressions against policemen increase in the New York subway | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

feel free to call atdamaris ías, “edicóndigital”. rafael:the issue of attacksagainst officers whopatrol stationsthe table after the ideo thatcapped the moment amember of the uniformed outsideattack to blows out performed.gary: good afternoon, despitetools around withwhich to neutralize aattacker, in this case it was notwise to use the gunelectric for whom a fightmelee, attack yourrated repulsive by theintensity with which this young manbattle against authority andfor not showing any kind offear of consequences.is not the only one becausepolice say they havedisparadoexorbitant mind awho the subway in the cases andthe mta condemns that this continuesleaving a wave of hometeron in each station by theeasy and with what happens inany time he would.we are in the bronx whererecords a variety of factsinside and although they haveimplemented various programsof protection and prevention inultimately areunpredictable.if you scan the code inPa already knows the reaction ofpolice union atregarding these facts.a senator speaks of the

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