Aggressive and impatient patients who want a corona vaccine without getting a call. Doctor’s assistants get them on the phone every day. The Dutch Association for Doctor’s Assistants (NVDA) is concerned about this.
At the beginning of May, the NVDA conducted a survey among more than 1000 doctor’s assistants. This showed that almost every one of them is bombarded by patients with the same question every day, sometimes even every hour. What those patients want? A vaccine, and fast. But they don’t have an official invitation.
Angry or aggressive patients
While most people are understanding when told they can’t do this without an invitation, two-thirds of the assistants surveyed deal with angry or aggressive patients on a weekly basis. Four out of ten even receive angry or aggressive phone calls on a daily basis.
The research shows that assistants mainly receive questions about who patients should contact for a vaccine: the general practitioner or the GGD. There are also many questions about which vaccine people receive, whether they are on a list and when it is their turn. People think they can claim leftover vaccines and there is a lack of understanding about the vaccination schedule. Some patients make statements like, “If I get sick, it’s your fault!”
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‘Hard work’
Doctor’s assistant Alma also experiences this at the practice where she works. “Several of my colleagues say they are more often upset by how people call us names or throw the receiver at us. It is difficult to work like this.”
“I always try to stay professional and I like to help people,” she continues. “But if you continuously get calls like this from 8 to 5, it does something to you.”